Monday, February 21, 2022

Hell O

           It may be inappropriate to tag the Resignation of LBJ as THE "Death Knell" of Hippie-Ism.   LBJ was EPITOME of "White man speaks with forked tongue", and "2 Faced" Political Debauchery,  the Characteristic of  a Corruption whose 'life blood' was Hypocrisy .  LBJ and and his YEARNED for a Political (quasi) Utopia that had as ITS Foundation Socialistic `Presentations` of Democracy' (at its BEST).   How is it that a man who VALUED Economic and Racial Equanimity could be SOOO Imperialistic that WAR remained as `garrulous`  Highest Order Recondite Apostasy ?   

          It may be Best to RE-Designate Hippie-Ism as a "Craze" which would then allow `Hippie-atic Hedonism` to qualify the Attempt at a Social Order Reformation.   NO FUCKING WAY was the Status Quo going to allow the Asylum Dwellers to advance into Warism with the Mind to Transform the Collective Conscience into a ConsciousNess of  PEACE-LOVING  semi-Divinity .   

          Whatever POSITIVE Values the Hippie Craze promoted and that "Flower Power" promulgated were obscenely Dismissed not even as Unattainable Utopian Exigencies but as Malicious and POLLUTED Socio-Political `Atmosphere-ics`.   

          "Say Hello to my little friend."

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