Wednesday, February 23, 2022

"Cookie Monster"

          Be advised :  "Do unto Others what you would have done unto you" CONFORMS  to the Mahayana Insight (of) "The Mutual Interpenetration of ALL Phenomena".  Here, [Mental] ACTION is Manifestation of Compassion, and MUST be correctly identified FIRST as `self Compassion` a Compassion of Spirituality that FULLY records the DESIRE for PEACE, the Peace of Day-to-Day Existence FREE of Antagonistic Conditionalities .  Here, "Love thy Neighbor AS THYSELF" is FROUGHT with internal `Complexities`, the ones of Self Hatred, Self Loathing and Pitiless UnWorthyNess .  Here it is where Compassion is abjectly NECESSARY if such Psychological Morbid-ities are to be                       Resolved.

          Let me be be Quantum Mechanically Clear :  the Phenomena that Compose and Comprise one's Self is IDENTICAL to the Phenomena that Composes and Comprises ALL Others .  Therefore "I am You --  You are Me" is a LOGICAL IMPERATIVE that CANNOT be Dismissed with Pejorative Profundity.

          Zen Master Seung Sahn Taught, "We're all cookies from the Same Bakery".

          Believe it.


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