Thursday, February 10, 2022

Pill Ory

           The Youth of a War Ravaged Nation, who faced the Possibility of their own Demise, turned to Outlets (and Inlets) of Drug Ingestion that they may find some sort of Solace in Reality Deprivation.   Dr. Timothy  Leary  advanced  the  use  of   LSD   to B-R-O-A-D-E-N, DEEPEN and E-X-P-A-N-D the Collective ConsciousNess that a HIGHER >>>Tuned To The Infinite<<< Consciousness supplant the Existing.   Not even a Mention was offered as a WARNING to the UnInitiated to Prepare them for the  `Incalculable`.   Further, the Desire for RELIEF from Reality and the Real Time HORRORS of War generated a Desire for JUST NOW Immediacy, meaning, as with the lack of Warning, so too was there a lack of Understanding, an Understanding that only CONCERTED EFFORT and the DURATION of Meditation could produce the aforementioned Relief.  Dr. Leary and his offered a SHORTCUT to Cozmic ConsciousNess which was egregiously Seized by the CareWorn and Weary.   There was to be no Relief .

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