Tuesday, February 8, 2022

"The horror, the horror ."

           I regret not aggressively advancing the Conceit of "Dark Ages" Socio-Political and Intellectual Atrophy .   You recall, that when trump obtained the "Presidency" I `proclaimed` the 2nd "Dark Ages" would follow with UNREMITTING INEVITABILITY .   And so it came to pass .  DeSantis and his have DeClared WAR on "Woke" ,  the  ConsciousNess  of  "Awakened"  >>   the one of Enlightened Conduct-Ivity.   DeSantis and his have DISMISSED the Clinical Assertion of Truth as a fuking MALADY of  Modern Conceptualization .    For them,  not only is there NO NEED of Academic Forbearance, Academia itself lies within the Scope and Measure of  Recondite Insolence .   Here it is where Teachers are to be treated as SLAVES of the Ignorance Endowed .   The Chains, Shackles and Manacles of Ancient Status Quo Bondage is hereby Manifested with CRIMINAL Lethality as Teachers MUST amend their curricula to advance MINDLESS Insistence(s) of Bubonic Irrationality , that of Brain and WHITE WASH . 

          Marlon Brando wheezed it best :   "The horror, the horror."


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