Thursday, February 10, 2022

Welcome to the Bungle

           Advance into the Americas proved to be  Jaunt into Daunt.  In the Past, Devout Buddhist Indians had succeeded in introducing both Buddhism and Zen with RELATIVE `eez`.  The Pantheon of Hindu Gods enabled and Promoted  Acceptance  by Locals, in that Buddhism was able to Modify and then Codify EXISTING Deities with somewhat surprising Candor .  Here it was where Buddhist Bodhisattvas could be 'seen' WITHIN the Local Divinities thus `lubricating` the Introduction which then assisted Recognition and Identification.   

          This 'This' was NOT the Case when Zen Masters landed in America.  Christianity and its somewhat 'bastard' Sister, Protestantism, had a "Strangle-hold" on the Hearts and Minds of the VAST majority of the Populace, indeed, the Puritans "came to" the America with but ONE Agenda,  to  Live in  a  Peace  where  they  would  NOT  be  Persecuted  by  Govern-MENTAL  `Heavies`.  

         Decades on the Reliance of a Christian God can be seen as ADDICTIVE in both Nature and Form.  Within THAT Contextual Condition, Americans not only had no NEED for  Foreign `Intervention`    their Addiction BLINDED them to the Truths of Buddhism and Its Management of Misery and Suffering.  



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