Tuesday, February 8, 2022

KKK Sera

           Clinical Bewilderment results from systematic REJECTION of  Psychological TRUTHS where 'Truths' are the Archetypal Constellations of Inborn Psychic Content(s) .   Here,  Archetypes  that  are Responsible for the Formulations of Emotional and Ethical Perceptions are ravenously IGNORED only to succumb to the INTENSE POWER of "C'est la vie" `Poetics` and the "Que sera sera" of desultory Fate-I-tudes .   Where Ideological Platitudes should be reached as easily as "the next breath", Idiomatic Inconsistencies abound to mute if not DEADEN Voices of REASON .  AmeriKKKan democrats steadfastly REFUSE  to Confront LIFE-THREATENING  Exigencies as though life in `Oblivion` can NEUTRALIZE  the HORROR of  IMMANENT ANNIHILATION  . 


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