Thursday, February 3, 2022



          I sometimes wonder if I'll ever write again .  I sometimes Revel in swimming in the Oceanic Cesspool I have elsewhere tagged as 'Existence'.  It's a Gift .

          I luxuriate in the 'Knowing' I have PLENTY about which to Write, yet I dwell in a Vast Emptiness that is remarkably Soothing. It is  As If  I possess All Knowledge, All Wisdom and the Compassion of All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas  in the Three Realms.  What need have I for ANYTHING ?

          And Yet ~~~~ 

          I sat in Chairy-Chair wondering about which Draft to deliver---I loathe starting with some ridiculous Beginning, shit, why not just  "Jump In"  mid-Stream  and  Sprint  until  the  Oxygen  `runs-out` ?   Who would notice and more importantly,, who would Care ?


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