Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Only Nothing Lasts Forever

           Martin Luther's "The Arc of Justice" gets Us to Halfway  BARELY .   What he left unsaid was  that Arc  SWINGS BACK to the Truth of INJUSTICE .  The PENDULUM SWINGS .   The "Problem" is one of Recognition, the One whereby HISTORY is Cyclical in Nature, meaning, Birth, Growth,, Decay,,, and Death are the Essences and Rudiments of Existence .   Failure to Recognize the Transitory 'Posture" of Democracy results in Political Hemophilia ,, the one where [Democracy's] Truth of Virtues is subject to the NEEDles and Scalpels of BARBARIC Primates .   I am one of THOZ who MUST Insist that the Current `Predicament` of the  Pandemic  Spread   of  Global  Trumpism  is  utterly  and  completely NATURAL .  ALL Empires DIE !!!  As cynically HARSH as that may be its TRUTH is Universal ABSOLUTE .  

          The ONLY 'Thing' that "lasts Forever' is Nothing.

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