Wednesday, February 23, 2022

"Cry `Havog` !!"

           I am experiencing apprehensive reluctance over characterizing Compassion as a "Double-edged Sword".  Finding suitable similes and metaphors is a Challenge in that Compassion, as Cozmic Absolute, requires the Reader to have familiarity with MANY of Compassion's Manifestations, not all of which can be viewed as `linked` to Love and ITS Manifestations.   Those of us Devoted to [the Divine of]  Tengu   `Influence` {Correctly} Perceive even "Tough Love" as Manifestation of Compassion, as DIFFICULT as it may be to accept.   SOME of this Difficulty can be alleviated by Recognizing "The Continuum" as THE UTMOST MANIFESTATION of the Tao, where Tao is THE Driving `Force` of ALL EXISTENCE .  

          The Duality of the Universe, identified by Opposites, DEFINES Existence, indeed, an object or an item can be 'known' (even) by its OPPOSITE. Shit, that's "Tough Sledding" REGARDLESS of terrain.  Here, Compassion MUST be Recognized in Universal CRUELTY -- something of an EGREGIOUS ANATHEMA to those of Lesser or Unrefined Conscience .  Here it is where the Tengu and Other Divinities wreak HAVOC upon the Hearts and Souls of the Unprepared who submit to a restrictive Horror that can be subdued {only} by the Emotional Inundation of Sorrow .    

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