Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Miss Construe

           I luv the one where Folks tell ya, "I tried 'not to think', but then I began to think about 'Not Thinking' ".  There is never any emotion paucity in Honesty .   Truth is, one must be Taught HOW 'not to think'----no e-z task .  

          I've hadta promote an analogy that I figured would aid and assist Beginners who Desire Access to The Hidden Realms and Invisible Dimensions .  It's this :  Thinking is to the Brain, as Breathing is to the Lungs .  I added, Thinking is as NATURAL as Breathing .   Where Breathing is controlled by the Autonomic Nervous System, Thinking is controlled by Mind .   In the Realm of Zen Romance, "Thoughts appear and disappear like clouds in the sky."  The Romance can be troublesome in that 'IT' may be misconstrued that 'thoughts' themselves, have a 'Self Nature', and therefore exist INDEPENDENTLY from Mind .  They do not exist Independently nor do they have a 'Self Nature' .  They 'come and go' as easily as breaths and clouds .   Hold fast to THAT simply because 'IT' makes all the Rest so much easier to Grasp.

1 comment:

  1. Once 2 dharma brothers caste and cultivated their pearls , in front of 1000 swine A swill time was had by all ,it was modern Art and Alice making you wonder land, thinks we’re always picking up, and it has never been boaring since
