Tuesday, February 8, 2022

UnFettered Mind

           I am a HUGE Fan of Incendiary Vehemence especially when I can sublimate it with {into} Rhetorical Expression thereby cloaking it as Satire and Cynicism .    Make NO Mistake here , American Democracy DEMANDS I be the BIIIIGEST ASSHOLE I can be and for SURE,, I should have NO Equal.  

          My LOVE for this Country is UNBOUNDED ,  such is the Very Nature of Militant Idealism which SANCTIONS Utopic Visionary Sanctity .   Fortunately or UN , I am chronically `vituperous`.  I revel in the Obscene and Vulgar .   Mercifully this Vituperation is somewhat neutralized by Scholastic Humanitarianism, the one of BELIEF IN HUMANKIND that It, as in WE , can Surmount even the Most DAUNTING Obstacles REGARDLESS of their GROTESQUEENORMITY .   I Believe .

          There IS Relief, but it is in the  Form & EmptyNess  of MIND !!!    I BELIEVE that Zen CAN Modify our Collective Mind and Generate a Collective ConsciousNess that can Respond to Dark Ages `Myopia` with CATACLYSMAL Elegance .   

          There is an Essence of Zen that can be found in the Everyday of of Common Commercial, here I speak of Nike's "Just Do It".  {Hear}, the Goddess Psyche goes all ZEN to Proclaim the Perfection of   "DONT Think about it"  ---------->  JUST DO IT .   Here it is where "The Non-Thinking Mind" advantages SUPERIORITY over the Thinking Mind which OBSCURES Simplistic Rationality by its Clutterful Emotionality and sometimes Paranoid-ic Pathos .   

Rock Steady........Steady az She goz .




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