Thursday, February 10, 2022


           Those Misfits, who had CORRECTLY Identified Chairman Mao's 'Turning of the Communist Wheel' as "Cultural REVOLUTION" were slow if not ADDLED by their Status Quo Conscious-Mess which offered only "Counter-Culture" with respect to the Reality of Protestational INSURRECTION .  They Viewed this Insurrection as Drug Induced Civilizational Altruism, the Product of Youthful Romance instead of its TRUE Actuality, the REVOLT of Status Quo War-Time Propagandal Hegemony.  

          Nor was there to be Recognition on behalf of  Status Quotients that they had INTENTIONALLY supplied the  Medium  for  Cultural Transmogrification  by  DENYING  the  Utopic  Validity  of the "Declaration of Independence" which CLEARLY Stated the Agenda of SPIRITUAL PROFUNDITY, that of EQUALITY, JUSTICE and {NON-CASTE}  PROSPERITY .   The "Pursuit of HappyNess" was abjectly DISQUALIFIED and  obscenely Relegated to Anti-Democracy SEDITION which could be addressed ONLY by MILITARY EXIGENCY Evidenced by the Appalling ATROCITY of the Kent State Massacre .

          "Aint no fukn drugz gonna fix this shit".

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