Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Miss Conceptions

           One of my Heroes, Robert Pirsig, `ran out` several Passages regarding 70's Hippie Spirituality, Zen specifically .  Zen Master D.T. Suzuki and beat-nik Alan Watts were `awarded` Icon Status in the Hippie Community, which I hesitate to tag "Sangha".   The 1st Edition of  Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind hit the streets in 1970 with notable 'success' .  Allan Watts and his were infected with what I will identify as the `Bucolic Plague` the one of sensory and thinking suspension >> the freedom from Thought Impositions<< which resulted in the activation of Physical Delight and Imagination-based Wonder .   Hippies believed that Inner Peace could be attained through the Practice of Zen Meditation and this 'comprehension' is, Valid, of course,   BUT   IFF the Practice was executed with steadfast Commitment over SEVERAL Years.   I insist,  there was no such 'Steadfast Commitment'   that Hippies `lazed-out` and attended only to the FORM of  Meditation not its Spirit .   The Zen `Movement` evaporated leaving behind, as residue, complex Mysteries of Sight and Sound and Bewildering Perplexities of "No Self No Mind" .   Zen, as a Spiritual Tradition, was never Viewed as it truly was, a somewhat Severe DISCIPLINE .   Few were willing to undergo the hardscrabble hardships of PHYSICAL Austerity , the abject NECESSITY of DAILY Practice and "Off The Cushion" Socio-Political Interaction .  

1 comment:

  1. These blogs are a hat trick of hickey dharm! Finally grand slams after you loaded up the bases, Like Ta hui said about Buddhas saying neither arousing nor stopping false thoughts , those who are enlightened know what this two means when it is mentioned, so any who hear your words can now see the true light of the dharma shining on the re-elected blade of the sword of no sword.the old tiger swims out of his cage What a year we have now!
