Thursday, March 31, 2022

"Dog eat Dog"

           American democrats have all but conceded the 2022 Mid-Terms to the {anti}republicans.  'History' has not been kind to the Party-In-Power and with new Variants occurring almost on a daily basis, Inflation at a 40 year HIGH, and the War in Ukraine, it is unlikely that Biden and his can withstand Public Dis-Satisfaction [aka CONTEMPT] with regard to ANY-thing even REMOTELY connected to democrats and Global Liberalism in general.

           BIG and SUPER Brains have begun "setting the stage" for Biden's INEVITABLE Impeachment, at the hands of KNOWN Anti-Constitutionalists who have openly and MOCKINGLY Decried Democracy and who have PRAISED Putin (and therefore his WAR) in such a PROFOUND  Manner as to Cripple Efforts to Stabilize the American Consciousness to Prevent further Decay and Degeneration.

          Trump WILL >>>> Return<<<< if not in Actual Physicality but in a Psycho-Invisibility that has the Voice and POWER of ANCIENT Washingtonism, the Slavery Capitalism of Pre-Revolution Status Quo, the one of "No Taxation without Representation", (and) the one of Slavery-As-NECESSITY .

          Here it is where the WEIGHT of Centuries FAVORS the Dumb, Blind and Ignorant in that Instinctual Primality has the Force and Power of UNCONSCIOUS [Political and CULTURAL] Predation.



Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Heat Bunny

           Some time ago I had a dream in which my Unconscious issued a Koan (Kong-an in Korean).  "What is the MOST Important 'thing' {in} an Airport ?"  I labored over that Kong-an for some time but in a `Somehow` of Cozmic Happenstance 'it' surfaced as RIDICULOUSLY Obvious and caused me chagrined embarrassment .  Without Question the Most Important Thing {in} {at} an Airport is 

                                                                     S -- P-- A -- C -- E

Not just ANY Space but a Space devoid of ALL Obstructions both Above and Below.  

          The `concept`of   'Space'  must be applied to felling a tree as well as Training in Sword.  You `aint gonna`  chainsaw  in a  phone  booth  nor  can  you  wield  Sword  in  a  closet.    

          You need  S   P   A   C   E .  This space must be CLEAR !  The Expression, "Room to Move" gets us close but it is IMPERATIVE to supplement that Physical with the Mental Component of MIND.  Here now, Space IS Mind, indeed Zen Master Seung Sahn use to exert, "You must keep a Mind that is Clear like Space".  It's not even a "hop, skip and a jump" to connect Space with Emptiness and to further connect Emptiness to Mind and its only a gentle nudge to add, "The best Mind is Empty".

          The AwareNess of Space is an AwareNess of EmptyNess, and MIND 'generates' this AwareNess.

           We must be ever so careful NOT to trip and stumble over `Mind creates Mind`.  Be advised.

The Rasp in Grasp

           Somewhere in Miyamoto Musashi's A Book Of Five Rings is a quiet passage that delivers "In all trades there are Principles to which the Masters adhere."  Musashi employs Carpentry as trope to detail and sometimes Explain various Concepts that reside in Sword and Sword Combat (in general).  It is important to note that 'Carpentry' used in Japanese Terms is [that of] Architecture and Design as well as the actual Trade .  I opened with the Trade of Chainsawing because it is That which I am most `intimate`, and to which my Love for INTENSITY can be expressed with NatualNess and Ease. 

          You can see the Problem.  Not only are folks Unfamiliar with Carpentry and its Exactions, even Less  have  had  access  to  Chainsawing  and ITS  `Demands`,  [ Fundamentals and Rudiments ] .   Sword and Sword Training are Esoteric Endeavors to begin with, but if I am to Promote and Advance the Attainment of Sword MIND,  then the use of Everyday Notions and Conceits, REGARDLESS of their `proximity`, REQUIRES some form of Foundational `platforms` in order for the Reader to BEGIN to 'grasp' the Universal Nature of the Principles mentioned above. 



           The best chainsaw manuals issue a warning to "have an avenue of escape" BEFORE proceeding to fell a tree.  Here it is where "Stand Clear" is emphasized as a NECESSARY 'Safety Precaution'.   Most often in Land Clearing Operations the first couple of hours are spent removing over&under growth that not only prevent access to the trees but inhibit Movement to and from.  Trees surrounded by growth deny Safety.  The execution of sawing DEMANDS a form of freedom that allows a FULL range of attack, unhampered and unimpeded by choking growth .   The weight of the saw and its length are already substantial qualifications to begin with, meaning, just carrying the saw without the bar and chain getting tangled or snared involves steady focus which then promotes the so-called 'ease of operation'.  

           `Investment' in clearing actions provides a 'return' of guaranteed 'freedom' and Safety.  Generally, this clearing action acts as a 'Warm-up' and aids in physical preparation and mental acuity.  When the shit is removed you can actually See the Order of Felling, which trees go first, blah blah blah, etc. .


Friday, March 25, 2022

Grace Land


          I must suspend this morning's exploration at this point.  I will leave you with the 4 Observations of Work Movement .   

         They are ::::

                                                      Stand Clear

                                                     Watch Your Step

                                                      Look Where You Are Going

                                                      Maintain Orientation .

          These will be discussed later.

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....

"Teenage Waste Land"

           The result of Sword Training is a Sophistication of Movement that MAYBE best described by using Grace and perhaps even Elegance.   Sophisticated Movement implies a [2nd Nature] Naturalness, the one of Efficiency, Expediency and Effortlessness.  Movement that bleeds Effort MEANS `Wasted Steps` and the resultant `Wasted Time` and since "Time is Money" Care should be exercised in ALL Actions that are required by the Project itself.  

          Movement is the 'Motion' of Power, the so-called 'Loco-Motion'.  At all Levels, Motion is to be Directed by INTELLIGENCE .  Anything less than Intelligence will 'bring-about' unwanted eye and back sores and produce a Dissonance between Effort and the desired Aesthetic of Work Harmony.   True Masters of the Trades DO NOT "Fight" the prevailing Conditions nor wrestle with their Tools as if their Tools are their Enemies and the Conditions Battleground Mine-Fields.


`Begin at the End`

           You'd think, and perhaps even want to believe, that "Starting at the Beginning" is the LOGICAL application of Common Sense [linear] Execution ESPECIALLY when adhering to "Decide, Plan, Construct and Plant" the `Holiest of Holy` with regard to and any and ALL Landscaping `Commissions'.  However, I am at the age of `precipital addle-ation`, and 'it' DEMANDS that Projects 'begin' with the End Result, specifically, what it is EXACTLY that the Project INVOLVES and the HOW of its implementation.  Beginning at the End ASSURES a Procedure that GUARANTEES 'Satisfaction', meaning, "No Waste' not in Effort nor Time and avoids the dreaded, "handling of things twice".  

          Excitement and Enthusiasm SOMETIMES delivers a Result that can only be described as Chaotic Ugliness, the trampling of flora, the blur of outlines and tools left about as booby-traps and snares, the ones of trip-and-fall Comedy and half-assed careFOOLness, the THOZE that drain Will and empty Resolve and which inevitably lead to premature EXHAUSTION.  Here it is where Intelligence has been IGNORED and Wishful Fantasy DOMINATES Activities best described as INFANTILE Whimsy.

          Captain Obvious injects, "There is no Beauty in Ugliness".  Sage Words.

"Tales of Power"


          An {un}scrupulous lack of Talent prevents me from detailing the various Forms of Power that define  the  Collective  Consciousness  of  not  only  the  'Body  Politic'  but  the  Individual  Politics of Experience.  2 words, I'm chronically  lazy.  However, since the title of the book is "Sword and The Arts---Utilizing the Power of Zen Beauty" it is vitally important to establish, by exploration and discovery, the Characteristics of Power [so] that {I}dentification  will  lead  to  Recognition  and  therefore  at  least  a  minimum  of  PRACTICAL Understanding.  

          It is pointedly USELESS to define Power WITHOUT applying Common Sense as stabilizing Rationale without which Power assumes the Form of Magic IRRATIONALITY rendering it charged with instinctual Emotion and NOT Intelligent (Logos based) Pragmatism .  

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Great Spear-it

           `Christianical Democracy` DEMANDS Defilement    which is delivered by the Utterance, "Democracy is God's Will".   The Advance into the REAL World of Govern-Mental Authority by a BARELY RECOGNIZABLE Christianity, once foundation-ed upon "Thou Shall NOT Kill", spread like a Plague Pandemic and did so century after century ultimately to land upon the Shores of Peace Loving Tribalists whose  Devotion was to the "Great Spirit".   Here it was where "Thou Shall NOT Kill" was transmogrified to "Thou SHALL Kill" as long as it is in the Name of the Father Almighty.  The Course was that of the Crusades, the SLAUGHTER of Sacred Individuals IN THE NAME OF a God whose SOUL Interest was HIS Religion now DIRECTLY Chained to Earthly Power NOT Heaven-Sent Spirituality.  





Sanctified Crucifixion

           Elsewhere I have described 'modern day' Politics as being  THE  Religion of Self-Interest, where 'Self-Interest' is Code for Status Quo Orientation, the one of "Free Market Capitalism" aka `Slavery Capitalism`.  Here it is where PROFIT is worshiped as the Ultimate Calibration of POWER whereby the Ways and Means of Everyday Sustenance is an EXTENSION of the Will of the SUPER-RICH .  Here, there can be NO Governmental Authority that is NOT Contaminated by the Will of Few, whose ONLY catholic interest is the Deliverance of Subjugation upon the `Many` ---Profit resulting.  

          You can see `IT` rite ?  Jesus as Democracy, Caiaphas as the 1%.  The Love and DEVOTION to EARTHLY Power, the Religion of Status Quo Political Dynamism, those of Free Market and Slavery Capitalism, had become (somehow) SANCTIFIED by the Crucifixion of Democracy and the resultant SPREAD of a "Christianical Democracy" now thoroughly PERVERTED by Status Quo Engineers whose {SOUL} Intent was UNIVERSAL AUTHORITY rite down to the EMBRYONIC Level.



           Some of us 'grew up' to , "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away".  It reeks of the stench of White Man "Indian Giver", the One of >>Promise<<  Defiled by Corrupted Interest, the One of "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee".   Jesus is purported to 'wear' 'many hats' and I am loathe to have HIM don the >>Cavalry<< Cap of Perverted (CRIMINAL) Licentiousness .  

          `It` is far better to View the Christ as an AGENT of the Law, meaning, He was sent to the Planet to REDEFINE   >>>> A <<<< Spiritual Existence that had become INSOLVENT due to the Failings, Shortcomings, Flaws and whole*scale ABANDONMENT of  the Universal Principles of  Divine Priorities.  

          From your Western Civ Studies recall that Caiaphas was the Leader of the Political Sanhedrin that pressured Pontius Pilate into exercising his Roman Authority, his EARTHLY POWER, to condemn Jesus to a Crucifixion Demise as CRIMINAL TRAITOR .  The Religious Sanhedrin had NO >>Wish<< to even SANCTION Jesus's Ministry WHATSOEVER .  

          Here we should Understand Caiaphas as UNIVERSAL EVERYMAN, the one of STATUS QUO Worry-or-ship, the one of a FEAR BASED Agency , a one that completely DENIED the Spiritual Power of RELIGIOUS Actuality .

          Here it was that Political Power USURPED Spirituality as THE 'Ultimate and Supreme' thereby relegating Jesus's Teaching to a Station of   INSIGNIFICANT  Polemics.      

The Easter Eager Beaver

          It's hard to tell if I've angered the Writing Gods or the Universe is simply `on my case` to sit on my ass and 'get going'.  The other day I dropped my 'Skil' flashlight ruining the bulb.  I use that light explore the opportunities for outside endeavors so that I can get a clear idea of what the day `holds`.  I thought nothing of it, meaning, I attached no 'significance' to a simple mis-handling.  "Shit happens".

          Yesterday, the 'lamp', a T-3, 'blew out' ENDING my pre-dawn attacks on Spring-Shit-That-HADTA-Be-Done-BEFORE-Easter, so that the Resurrected One may be Enticed to stop by and have some chips & dips with me and maybe smoke a bowl or two .  Efforts along this path and of this nature have abjectly FAILED in the PAST.  I relied on a SPOTLESS Internal and even cleaned the floors to such an extent that the so-called "5 second Rule can be ext-e-n-d-e-d to 5 HOURS.  It didn't help, rather, it many not have been Enough .  

          This Year it `wuz-gonna` be different.  My intent was to get the Outside, the Park, into a Highest Order Potential, meaning all the beds cleared and outlined, the shrubs and ornamentals pruned, and the trees trimmed to golf course Requirements.  Of course ALL the leaves had to be blown and vacuumed--and the Entire Mess `barrel-ed` and hauled to the Transfer Site.


Monday, March 14, 2022

"Forget all about that macho shit, and learn to play guitar"

          Sage advice from John Mellencamp off his "UH-HUH" Album.  

           For the longest time I had to tell Everybody I played the Stereo.  But then I bought a Drum Kit and I could play it fuking EASE-FULLY ---and then I got my Bass and because of my "perfect pitch' I could play WITH It as well.  Weirdly the Song that IZ my Spiritual Soul is John McLaughlin's "One Word".  As you know John is a GUITARIST and is FAMOUS for Expression from his Double-Neck Gibson.  Now, after my Dream, I can claim Gary Burton's Rendition of "Open Your Eyes, You Can Fly" as the 2nd Song that DEFINES my Spiritual Existence. 

          I wood lof {love} to believe that Time is the Movement of the Universe's Spirit.   When you Find or Uncover Time you get the added BOOST of Finding or Uncovering the AVAILABILITY of Self Expression, indeed, Self Expression is the Expression of your SPIRIT .

         At least, you can try and Believe THAT .

           Rocks Steady........Steady az She Goze.

"Surely, you jest. "

           I saw something sticking above the ground, BARELY, sticking above the ground and I was Curious.  

          Suppose now, we CHANGE our view that Time must be FOUND and instead emphasize that Time must be UNCOVERED ?   

          Suppose it aint even Time that must be Uncovered, but the Object of our EXPRESSION ?

          Suppose it aint-even our Expression that must be Uncovered, but our CREATIVE Expression ?

          How about this one :   I AM my Sword  to which I can add  I AM my "Vibes" ?

          Check it out .   I AM Good Vibes .

           I like it.

"And BINGO was his name-o"

           I don't think I need to analyze the entire dream.  The Dominate Feature is the discovery and unearthing of the mini-vibes and the Song I somehow could actually play having NEVER even been NEAR a vibraphone except [for] the time Rob, Sandy and I went to Newport to hear him at a club on Thames Street one Summer Night.  OBVIOUSLY the Song's Title is MASSIVELY Significant . 

          As I sat in Chairy-Chair waiting for Recitations to unfold as Sound, one word "entered" >>> "instrument".  I settled into her embrace, realizing the Ramifications of "Instrument" the most Important of which this :   Sword as Instrument .    I was miffed.  I  don't  know  how  I'd  missed  that .  No matter .

          The execution of Sword Forms has a `signature` of Music 'Expression'.  There exists within the Form itself a 'fluidity' best described as 'dance-like', indeed, "Sword Dancing" is considered a "Performance Art".  But this This is NOT the Import of the Dream.   What IS Important is the Discovery and UNCOVERING of this Instrument, in this instance,, MY Instrument.  Here now Sword-As-Instrument Signifies MY "Sound", that is, MY ---> Expression, the Expression that DEFINES my Existence and which I use to TEACH.  Sword as Instrument of EDUCATION.

          2 wordz ::   BINGO !



"Open Your Eyes, You Can Fly"

           I'm on a land clearing job on Hammond St.  It's the corner wooded lot of my childhood the one at the intersection of Chestnut and Hammond.  The left boundary line has been done revealing old man Arujo's stone wall to which barbed wire had been strung.  I turn inward toward the work that remained and see a metal thing protruding from the ground.  Curious, I dig it out, amazed to discover it was a small glockenspiel.  When I struck it, however, the sound was of a marimba or xylophone and richer (thicker and deeper) like Gary Burton's vibraphone ("vibes" as Milt Jackson would have it).  Maestro Burton's rendition of Chick Corea's "Open Your Eyes, You Can Fly" entered my head and incredibly I began to play it, note for note . 

          I awoke with the Song still echoing all around me .



"Just the facts, Ma'me".

           I awoke from a dream that was exceedingly 'revelatory' in structure and meaning.  When I got into Chairy-Chair I received a further enhancement that produced a cascade of answers to questions that had been shelved because of their nature .   

           I have been loathe to supply autobiographical excerpts because, for the most part, they are prone to reader dismissal, rightly so, I must add.  Still, a good Author will supply examples and instances that enable understanding, in a most general sense, thereby satisfying an Industry Standard with regard to Reader Identification.  

           The dream, in most of its entirety follows.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Tie Err-d

          Be aware of the the difference between Self Examination and Self Scrutiny.  Self Examination `deals with` the Outer-- Ego/Self-- whereas Self Scrutiny `deals with` the Inner --Self/Ego--.  Self Examination identifies the day-to-day Ego Self and ITS "Patterns of Behavior" while Self Scrutiny identifies the various Psychological Constructs that Influence Conscious Conduct .   Note that Alcoholics Anonymous gets it Right when that attend to "Taking Inventory of one's Self".  Notice the "In" in Inventory.  (Nor must we carelessly disregard the 'Invent' in Inventory.)

          As mentioned elsewhere, the delineation of one's day-to-day schedule MUST include 'judgments' based upon 'Beneficial and Detrimental'.  Here it is where Cost must-be employed to Aid  Valuation.  Folks that Value 'late-night' TV viewing at the expense of clear-eyed Morning Resolve are subject to a Fatigue that not only DEVALUES their job performance but exacerbates a pernicious Dis-health.   I must inject a personal observation, please forgive me.  You gotta ask yourself, "Is this TV program gonna BENEFIT my Life ?"  Almost ALL-WAYS it will not, therefore, getting SLEEP is the MOST Beneficial, and, Inevitably, feeling Refreshed and Regenerated is VASTLY SUPERIOR to aggravated EFFORT needed {just} to "Get through the day".




Stig Matters

           In his Book,  How People Change  Dr. Allen Wheelis defines one's Existence this way , "You are what you do".  Make Certain to impress upon your Ego/Self that this Concept is Cozmic Absolute from which there is NO 'Escape'.   When you hear Others try and defend their 'station in life' with something along the lines of  "I work as a hairdresser, but that's not who I am" , you will detect an Unhappy-Ness in their expression, or rather, something of a Dis-Content, a Dis-Content that MAY be self-manufactured and which `foundations` a day-to-day ACCEPTANCE of trivial {menial-ality} a meniality which provides food, shelter and general sustenance, a Sustenance that 'steady work' Guarantees, and by Right is hardly Trivial.  

          Consider the broadcast Proud of the {Charactress} "Frankie Paige" (Patricia Arquette) who joyfully  Splendors "I love being me".  She is a Hairdresser and her Ego/Self is in complete Harmony with her choice of Vocation.   Few of Us can make that Same Claim, as WE are subject to, if not Prone to, an emotional turbulence that defines an occupation of unwholesome activity a one where 'unwholesome' is Code for feverishly Un-Rewarding.  


Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Temple/Bank of Mind


          I must leave today's Investigation here, where it sits.  My ribs are beginning to ache and my stomach is touching my spine.

          I'm figurin' French Toast is the Cure .

          I NEED Uze Gyze to begin THINKING about Evaluating your Schedules.  TAKE YOUR TIME -- SPEND TIME ON YOUR SELF .  You are WORTH the Effort.  

          BE HONEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rock Steady........steady az She goze.



The "I" and "ME" in Time

           Time can be considered as 'the allocation of Space' within an existing schedule .  What needs to happen first is not just an 'examination' of the existing schedule but a {Ruthless} Scrutiny of  It,,  with regard to Priorities, Necessities, Activities, Frivolities and Luxuries .    Clearly the Evaluation of One's Schedule IZ an Evaluation of One's LIFE.  "Aye, THERE'S the Rub".   When Time is regarded as a Commodity we ask, "How do you SPEND your Time ?"  [What do you DO with it ?] .  Here it is where Time ACTS-LIKE Money .  Indeed, there is a constant and consistent DEMAND to "Make Money" and on the Street and in the Gutter we reference, sometimes with vehement derogation, "Time IS Money"  we add with severe Cross, "Don't Waste My Time" or "You are costing me Money".  

          Since we  INVEST  Money   "to MAKE Money"   can  we  now  INVEST  our  Time  to  `make` Time ?

          The Answer is a       RESOUNDING            YES     !!



           ALL of us have been either admonished or even SCOLDED for "Wasting Time" .   We often excuse ourselves with, "I'm just too Busy" or "I just can't seem to find the Time" [to attend to importance(s) that seem only to be relative in nature, and therefore are reduced to SUBJECTIVE Valuation].   The Truth of Time as Resource or as LUXURY manifests with the Exasperation , "You say you don't have the Time ?  Well MAKE the Time !!!"  Time can be "made".  How often have we heard the boast of a ne'r-do-well Traveler whose idea of "good Time" MEANS  "lead foot", "pedal to the metal",, "heel to the steel" throttle through the floorboard CRUSH " ?   Here now the Condition of "Open Road" Obstruction-free Conveyance --  How the fuk is THAT suppose to indicate the Quality of 'good' ?  I'm not buyin' it.

          Assholes often present us with, "I have a tight schedule, but I'll see if I can fit you in".  Here now an Opportunity to regard {Perceive} Time as PHYSICAL Space.   Schedules are BLOCKS of Time .  You precede Blocks with 'solid' and "all of a sudden" Time can be correctly Perceived as Matter, indeed, "Time Matters" if I may be pun-ishingly clownish.  We can enhance this This further by adding Buddhist Quantum Mechanics :  "Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form" = Time is Form, Time is Emptiness, You can see It rite ?

Of What is Time `made` ?


           In the Film, "Arrival", the View that 'Time' can be manipulated by 'Thinking' is introduced by the "Heptopods" and received by the Humans with Revelatory Exaltation .   The Heptopod Language MUST-BE Mastered however, at least, to Scholar Level, which Amy Redhead reaches and what we see manifested in her Book, "The Universal Language" seen boxed in the Closing of the Film .  

          I had to pull out my copy of Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" to see if HE was of the impression that Time could be manipulated via Thought Energy Production.  Nope, if it's there, I didn't find it.  No Matter.   

          I AGREE with the Writer and Screenplay Executor [and therefore the Heptopods] that Time is SUBJECT-TO Mental  >>>>> `Influences` .   If you read Fritjof Capra's The Tao Of Physics and Gary Zukav's The Dancing Wu Li Masters, you will find that when conducting Quantum Experimentation , the Viewing of the Experiment INFLUENCES the outcome .   HOLYPHUQ gets us there .  

          I know you are asking, "Is Time composed of Matter ? "   Tough one .  Let's hold on to that.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Dos Santos


          I'm WAY-over Time.  Please Forgive an old man, but I must leave this Consideration where it lyze.

          I MUST invoke professorial prerogative and 'invite' you to procure "The Tao Te Ching" translated by D.C. Lau and Dr. Joseph Campbell's  "The Hero With A Thousand Faces".  

          For NOW these 2 lie within the Realm of "Recommended Reading".  I look forward to the Tyme when These 2 will DEFINE your Expedition Into The Unknown.

Rock Steady........ Steady az She goze....


"Dead-On-Balls Accurate "

           "Keep It Simple, Stupid" is Alcoholics Anonymous  getting IT "dead-on-balls" Accurate.   Here, "Drunk-Ass" Refinement brings a Westernization and Modernization to Lao Tzu's "Untangle the knots, soften the glare" .   KISS is actually a SLAP "upside one's head" that, upon impact, STOPS aberrant behavior and DEMONIC Complicity .  Lao Tzu's in more a gentle "shoulder to shoulder" Nudge that MAY be `adorned` by a wink of His eye.   

          "Keep It Simple" MUST be {Real-eyes-d} in the BROADEST PANORAMA .   Its Power {lyze} in its Application .   Weapon OR Tool -- it doesn't matter, what DOES Matter is its IMMEDIATE  Effect upon  Thinking  and  Viewing  that has gone "Afoul".   Its Employment NEUTRALIZES Chaos, Tumult and Turmoil and suspends Time that Other Resolution Measures be considered in Contextual Sobriety. 

          As far as the "Stupid" `goes` Consider  Zen  Master  Seung  Sahn's,   "Being  stupid  is  NOT ENOUGH !  You must become 100% Stupid !!! " ---- it will aid and assist You ENORMOUSLY !!!!

Implicit Simplicity

           `Making` Time a Priority is Paramount.  ONE of the 'ways' to be this 'Make' is to begin to lean yourself against Complicationary and to utilize IT to Establish SIMPLICITY where Simplicity is further described with Efficiency and Effective-Ness .  Using Complications to recognize and Identify the Means of Corrections, whether they be of Orientation or Alignment ,  is structurally Tibetan Buddhist in Nature, which itself has "...the problem IS the Solution" as `backside` Protection.   (Tibetan Buddhists Identify 'sins' as THE MEANS OF SALVATION ).  Here now, the DESIRE for Simplicity GENERATES a NATURAL Common Sense, a Common Sense derived from Experience, Good, Bad, and of course WHATEVER .  

           'Simplicity'     --->   "...can take the Mind, where Minds don't usually go".

          Common Sense is Simplicity's Vehicle .  

The Temple Of Transformation

           "Stipulations" are `uP-there` with 'Imperatives' and 'Musts', they act as snares, traps, pitfalls and obstructions in that their qualifications manipulate ConsciousNess in ways that are unfavorable to the Growth of TRUE {Intellectual} Harmonics.  And yet 'behooves" and 'suggests' fall {shrt} of delivering necessary Exertion onto Mental Attentive-Ness,, because they admit to a Tolerance and (a) Latitude that sneers of a Forgive-Ness that reaches the Street as, "At least I tried".  Fuking horseshit of course.  

          It's Risky to incite Attentive-Ness by issuing "You gotta" and "You must".  I MUST `advantage` this Risk however by invoking, "Ya gotta wanna".  Without a 'headstrong' Commitment to your Personal Well-Being and a SINCERE Willing-Ness to Delve into potentially Horror-Laden Phantasmagorias it is {phuqing} IMPOSSIBLE to advance into Realms of Safety, Security, and [to breathe] the Sacred Atmospheres of Assurance, Confidence and Belief-In-One's-Self.

          Dis-Satisfaction with One's [Understanding of] Life MAY act a `Precipiator` of a `(w)illingness to Change`.  However Deciding to find the CAUSE of whatever Irritants that compromise [or have compromised]  one's Well-Ness is NOT 'necessary' to begin the so-called "Inward Journey".   What IS Demanded is a DEVOTION to TIME .  

          So now the first Stipulation --- Ya gotta MAKE Time .   There is NO Escape from this Trap.





The Movement of Still


          I'm headed outdoors to `blow-uP` the south-half of the property.  I had no plans to ryte but there was an "Old Gray Nag" who is what she's ALWAYS 'been' and SHE has DENIED me access to the nascent Spring of which 28 degrees harbingers.  

          I've yet to FULLY resolve 'writing' with War----it seems EXCEEDINGLY Callus to reside in a Realm of Luxury while my Brothers and Sisters pit their Wills against a Nightmare Entity whose DIABOLICALLY CRIMINAL CRUELTY  Ravages a Land of Democratic Peace-Seekers .  I am loathe to qualify my Efforts with "The Show MUST 'go on'" and it is of NO 'Solace' whatsoever that one of my Hero's, Hellmut Wilhelm, gave "Lectures On The I Ching" DURING Nazi Battlefield and Concentration Camp {Genocide-al } Atrocity.  

          Still ......

Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Rape-ing of {Me and} Ukraine


          Consider what DIRECT CONFRONTATION has 'Done' to the Russian Army as it attempts to VIOLENTLY Impregnate Ukraine with putinist `sperm`.   Is there one among US who would NOT intercept Russian Savagery with BRUTAL DENIAL ?????  Of course not !   And yet the WORLD has yet to offer Air Strike Interdiction on behalf of Ukrainians DEVOTED to "What Is Theirs" --a fledgling Democracy that THEY are PROVING is an Existential IMPERATIVE !!!!!   Have we not seen 80 year old WOMEN armed with WWII Era [wooden stock] AK-47's ????????   WE HAVE !!!!!!!!!   The Old Ones REMEMBER Hitler and Stalin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

          There are Tymz when Non-Confrontation REEKS of  Cowardice.  We are LIVING such Cowardice.  Woe unto those who DENY Denial and instead EMBRACE Barbaric Cruelty .  

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....




The "I" in Defiance

           Recall the ABJECT DEFIANCE generated by CLEARLY GUILTY and CONTEMPTUOUS individuals Responsible for Downfall of American Constitutional Justice.   Knowing that the democrats HAD NO MEANS OF {BENEDICTIVE} PUNITORY MECHANISMS, they advanced their Anti-Democracy Agenda with the Power and Might of ,                            "

                                    "FUCK YOU AND YOUR CONSTITUTION TOO !! " 

They used the Constitution and Declaration of Independence as so much toilette paper.

          Here it was that DIRECT CONFRONTATION did NOT manufacture POSITIVE {Judicial} Results, but rather a PLETHORA of Disgrace-laden EMBARRASSMENTS .   These Embarrassments further identified Direct Confrontation as UNSUITABLE for political Scrutiny(s).  However, the Failure was NOT in the advantage of Direct Confrontation, but in the ABSENCE of Punitive `Retaliation`, the Employment of The BIG Stick.  



Axe Iom

          It can be Argued (and I will) that Non-Confrontation is the ESSENCE of the Democratic Party whose reliance upon 70's "Live and Let Live", and the Bible's "Turn the other cheek" Ideological [Fantasy-laden] Sophistry is rendered as VIABLE political diplomacy in that THEY are purported to GUARANTEE Emotional Insulation AGAINST socio-political transgressions and psycho-active Aggression(s).   This Mental Posture is V--A--S--T--L--Y Removed from the Late 40's Axiom {Axe-iom}, 
                                                  "Talk softly but carry a BIG stick".  
          Clearly, {using the `Ax` in Axiom}, when diplomacy Fails, the BIG Stick is `employed` as POTENTIAL punitive 'Influence' .  Democrats have Abandoned The BIG Stick `rendering` them POWERLESS.   The [Threat of]  The BIG Stick  GUARANTEES Persuasion.   

          In the 50's  >>>   "Sticks and stones will break my bones--but words will never hurt me."

          My guess is =  Putin recites this AMERICAN Adage daily .

Awe Full

           Yesterday, FINALLY, I heard the most ELOQUENT Delivery of a Political Synchronicity that was used to Qualify not only the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, but the Invasion of AMERICA by Neo-Nazi Zealots,  Neo-Confederate  White  Supremacists,,  and  Trumpist  Despotic Insurrectionists .  Miles Somebody set forth the True Nature of Russian Insidious Aggression by Describing America as being Overtaken by RUSSIAN Anti-Democracy Propaganda via Trump and HIS Hitlerian Propaganda `Machine` Fox News.   

          He argued that the Invasion of Ukraine was made Possible BECAUSE the "Ground" for the Invasion had been plowed, harrowed and planted thereby establishing a FERTILE Growth Medium within-which NON-CONFRONTATION could be grown and harvested with relative Ease.  Here must be Viewed a Political Panorama that encompasses the Invasion of Ukraine AS A RESULT of Trumpism's SUCCESSFUL Overthrow of American Democracy .  

          I sat and listened in AWE.

Constant Paytion


          The Russian Invasion of Ukraine has put Stress on my Abilities.  This Stress takes the form Occupational Insolvency, and manifests on my Street as Intellectual Constipation.  Understand that Stress is REQUIRED in order to TEST the various Mental Constructs I have already set forth in my Effort to establish my so-called Ministry, to Write {RIGHT} of the Wrongs of Slavery Capitalism, and to Proselytize Zen Buddhism that the SPIRITUAL ConsciousNess of the American Populace be invited to admit to the Present Day Misery of Status Quo Hardscrabble and become somewhat familiar with Buddhist Quantum Mechanics not the least of which is "The Mutual Interpenetration of ALL Phenomena" which identifies the "Other" as ~Intimately Bound~ to the "Me".   

          There is a Song in the Ancient Lore whose Lyrics begin with, "Problems, we've got Problems..."