Thursday, March 10, 2022

Constant Paytion


          The Russian Invasion of Ukraine has put Stress on my Abilities.  This Stress takes the form Occupational Insolvency, and manifests on my Street as Intellectual Constipation.  Understand that Stress is REQUIRED in order to TEST the various Mental Constructs I have already set forth in my Effort to establish my so-called Ministry, to Write {RIGHT} of the Wrongs of Slavery Capitalism, and to Proselytize Zen Buddhism that the SPIRITUAL ConsciousNess of the American Populace be invited to admit to the Present Day Misery of Status Quo Hardscrabble and become somewhat familiar with Buddhist Quantum Mechanics not the least of which is "The Mutual Interpenetration of ALL Phenomena" which identifies the "Other" as ~Intimately Bound~ to the "Me".   

          There is a Song in the Ancient Lore whose Lyrics begin with, "Problems, we've got Problems..."

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