Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Rape-ing of {Me and} Ukraine


          Consider what DIRECT CONFRONTATION has 'Done' to the Russian Army as it attempts to VIOLENTLY Impregnate Ukraine with putinist `sperm`.   Is there one among US who would NOT intercept Russian Savagery with BRUTAL DENIAL ?????  Of course not !   And yet the WORLD has yet to offer Air Strike Interdiction on behalf of Ukrainians DEVOTED to "What Is Theirs" --a fledgling Democracy that THEY are PROVING is an Existential IMPERATIVE !!!!!   Have we not seen 80 year old WOMEN armed with WWII Era [wooden stock] AK-47's ????????   WE HAVE !!!!!!!!!   The Old Ones REMEMBER Hitler and Stalin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

          There are Tymz when Non-Confrontation REEKS of  Cowardice.  We are LIVING such Cowardice.  Woe unto those who DENY Denial and instead EMBRACE Barbaric Cruelty .  

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....




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