Friday, March 25, 2022

`Begin at the End`

           You'd think, and perhaps even want to believe, that "Starting at the Beginning" is the LOGICAL application of Common Sense [linear] Execution ESPECIALLY when adhering to "Decide, Plan, Construct and Plant" the `Holiest of Holy` with regard to and any and ALL Landscaping `Commissions'.  However, I am at the age of `precipital addle-ation`, and 'it' DEMANDS that Projects 'begin' with the End Result, specifically, what it is EXACTLY that the Project INVOLVES and the HOW of its implementation.  Beginning at the End ASSURES a Procedure that GUARANTEES 'Satisfaction', meaning, "No Waste' not in Effort nor Time and avoids the dreaded, "handling of things twice".  

          Excitement and Enthusiasm SOMETIMES delivers a Result that can only be described as Chaotic Ugliness, the trampling of flora, the blur of outlines and tools left about as booby-traps and snares, the ones of trip-and-fall Comedy and half-assed careFOOLness, the THOZE that drain Will and empty Resolve and which inevitably lead to premature EXHAUSTION.  Here it is where Intelligence has been IGNORED and Wishful Fantasy DOMINATES Activities best described as INFANTILE Whimsy.

          Captain Obvious injects, "There is no Beauty in Ugliness".  Sage Words.

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