Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Easter Eager Beaver

          It's hard to tell if I've angered the Writing Gods or the Universe is simply `on my case` to sit on my ass and 'get going'.  The other day I dropped my 'Skil' flashlight ruining the bulb.  I use that light explore the opportunities for outside endeavors so that I can get a clear idea of what the day `holds`.  I thought nothing of it, meaning, I attached no 'significance' to a simple mis-handling.  "Shit happens".

          Yesterday, the 'lamp', a T-3, 'blew out' ENDING my pre-dawn attacks on Spring-Shit-That-HADTA-Be-Done-BEFORE-Easter, so that the Resurrected One may be Enticed to stop by and have some chips & dips with me and maybe smoke a bowl or two .  Efforts along this path and of this nature have abjectly FAILED in the PAST.  I relied on a SPOTLESS Internal and even cleaned the floors to such an extent that the so-called "5 second Rule can be ext-e-n-d-e-d to 5 HOURS.  It didn't help, rather, it many not have been Enough .  

          This Year it `wuz-gonna` be different.  My intent was to get the Outside, the Park, into a Highest Order Potential, meaning all the beds cleared and outlined, the shrubs and ornamentals pruned, and the trees trimmed to golf course Requirements.  Of course ALL the leaves had to be blown and vacuumed--and the Entire Mess `barrel-ed` and hauled to the Transfer Site.


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