Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Great Spear-it

           `Christianical Democracy` DEMANDS Defilement    which is delivered by the Utterance, "Democracy is God's Will".   The Advance into the REAL World of Govern-Mental Authority by a BARELY RECOGNIZABLE Christianity, once foundation-ed upon "Thou Shall NOT Kill", spread like a Plague Pandemic and did so century after century ultimately to land upon the Shores of Peace Loving Tribalists whose  Devotion was to the "Great Spirit".   Here it was where "Thou Shall NOT Kill" was transmogrified to "Thou SHALL Kill" as long as it is in the Name of the Father Almighty.  The Course was that of the Crusades, the SLAUGHTER of Sacred Individuals IN THE NAME OF a God whose SOUL Interest was HIS Religion now DIRECTLY Chained to Earthly Power NOT Heaven-Sent Spirituality.  





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