Sunday, March 13, 2022

Tie Err-d

          Be aware of the the difference between Self Examination and Self Scrutiny.  Self Examination `deals with` the Outer-- Ego/Self-- whereas Self Scrutiny `deals with` the Inner --Self/Ego--.  Self Examination identifies the day-to-day Ego Self and ITS "Patterns of Behavior" while Self Scrutiny identifies the various Psychological Constructs that Influence Conscious Conduct .   Note that Alcoholics Anonymous gets it Right when that attend to "Taking Inventory of one's Self".  Notice the "In" in Inventory.  (Nor must we carelessly disregard the 'Invent' in Inventory.)

          As mentioned elsewhere, the delineation of one's day-to-day schedule MUST include 'judgments' based upon 'Beneficial and Detrimental'.  Here it is where Cost must-be employed to Aid  Valuation.  Folks that Value 'late-night' TV viewing at the expense of clear-eyed Morning Resolve are subject to a Fatigue that not only DEVALUES their job performance but exacerbates a pernicious Dis-health.   I must inject a personal observation, please forgive me.  You gotta ask yourself, "Is this TV program gonna BENEFIT my Life ?"  Almost ALL-WAYS it will not, therefore, getting SLEEP is the MOST Beneficial, and, Inevitably, feeling Refreshed and Regenerated is VASTLY SUPERIOR to aggravated EFFORT needed {just} to "Get through the day".




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