Thursday, March 10, 2022

Awe Full

           Yesterday, FINALLY, I heard the most ELOQUENT Delivery of a Political Synchronicity that was used to Qualify not only the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, but the Invasion of AMERICA by Neo-Nazi Zealots,  Neo-Confederate  White  Supremacists,,  and  Trumpist  Despotic Insurrectionists .  Miles Somebody set forth the True Nature of Russian Insidious Aggression by Describing America as being Overtaken by RUSSIAN Anti-Democracy Propaganda via Trump and HIS Hitlerian Propaganda `Machine` Fox News.   

          He argued that the Invasion of Ukraine was made Possible BECAUSE the "Ground" for the Invasion had been plowed, harrowed and planted thereby establishing a FERTILE Growth Medium within-which NON-CONFRONTATION could be grown and harvested with relative Ease.  Here must be Viewed a Political Panorama that encompasses the Invasion of Ukraine AS A RESULT of Trumpism's SUCCESSFUL Overthrow of American Democracy .  

          I sat and listened in AWE.

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