Saturday, March 26, 2022


           The best chainsaw manuals issue a warning to "have an avenue of escape" BEFORE proceeding to fell a tree.  Here it is where "Stand Clear" is emphasized as a NECESSARY 'Safety Precaution'.   Most often in Land Clearing Operations the first couple of hours are spent removing over&under growth that not only prevent access to the trees but inhibit Movement to and from.  Trees surrounded by growth deny Safety.  The execution of sawing DEMANDS a form of freedom that allows a FULL range of attack, unhampered and unimpeded by choking growth .   The weight of the saw and its length are already substantial qualifications to begin with, meaning, just carrying the saw without the bar and chain getting tangled or snared involves steady focus which then promotes the so-called 'ease of operation'.  

           `Investment' in clearing actions provides a 'return' of guaranteed 'freedom' and Safety.  Generally, this clearing action acts as a 'Warm-up' and aids in physical preparation and mental acuity.  When the shit is removed you can actually See the Order of Felling, which trees go first, blah blah blah, etc. .


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