Friday, March 25, 2022

"Teenage Waste Land"

           The result of Sword Training is a Sophistication of Movement that MAYBE best described by using Grace and perhaps even Elegance.   Sophisticated Movement implies a [2nd Nature] Naturalness, the one of Efficiency, Expediency and Effortlessness.  Movement that bleeds Effort MEANS `Wasted Steps` and the resultant `Wasted Time` and since "Time is Money" Care should be exercised in ALL Actions that are required by the Project itself.  

          Movement is the 'Motion' of Power, the so-called 'Loco-Motion'.  At all Levels, Motion is to be Directed by INTELLIGENCE .  Anything less than Intelligence will 'bring-about' unwanted eye and back sores and produce a Dissonance between Effort and the desired Aesthetic of Work Harmony.   True Masters of the Trades DO NOT "Fight" the prevailing Conditions nor wrestle with their Tools as if their Tools are their Enemies and the Conditions Battleground Mine-Fields.


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