Friday, March 25, 2022

"Tales of Power"


          An {un}scrupulous lack of Talent prevents me from detailing the various Forms of Power that define  the  Collective  Consciousness  of  not  only  the  'Body  Politic'  but  the  Individual  Politics of Experience.  2 words, I'm chronically  lazy.  However, since the title of the book is "Sword and The Arts---Utilizing the Power of Zen Beauty" it is vitally important to establish, by exploration and discovery, the Characteristics of Power [so] that {I}dentification  will  lead  to  Recognition  and  therefore  at  least  a  minimum  of  PRACTICAL Understanding.  

          It is pointedly USELESS to define Power WITHOUT applying Common Sense as stabilizing Rationale without which Power assumes the Form of Magic IRRATIONALITY rendering it charged with instinctual Emotion and NOT Intelligent (Logos based) Pragmatism .  

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