Sunday, March 13, 2022

Stig Matters

           In his Book,  How People Change  Dr. Allen Wheelis defines one's Existence this way , "You are what you do".  Make Certain to impress upon your Ego/Self that this Concept is Cozmic Absolute from which there is NO 'Escape'.   When you hear Others try and defend their 'station in life' with something along the lines of  "I work as a hairdresser, but that's not who I am" , you will detect an Unhappy-Ness in their expression, or rather, something of a Dis-Content, a Dis-Content that MAY be self-manufactured and which `foundations` a day-to-day ACCEPTANCE of trivial {menial-ality} a meniality which provides food, shelter and general sustenance, a Sustenance that 'steady work' Guarantees, and by Right is hardly Trivial.  

          Consider the broadcast Proud of the {Charactress} "Frankie Paige" (Patricia Arquette) who joyfully  Splendors "I love being me".  She is a Hairdresser and her Ego/Self is in complete Harmony with her choice of Vocation.   Few of Us can make that Same Claim, as WE are subject to, if not Prone to, an emotional turbulence that defines an occupation of unwholesome activity a one where 'unwholesome' is Code for feverishly Un-Rewarding.  


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