Saturday, March 12, 2022


           ALL of us have been either admonished or even SCOLDED for "Wasting Time" .   We often excuse ourselves with, "I'm just too Busy" or "I just can't seem to find the Time" [to attend to importance(s) that seem only to be relative in nature, and therefore are reduced to SUBJECTIVE Valuation].   The Truth of Time as Resource or as LUXURY manifests with the Exasperation , "You say you don't have the Time ?  Well MAKE the Time !!!"  Time can be "made".  How often have we heard the boast of a ne'r-do-well Traveler whose idea of "good Time" MEANS  "lead foot", "pedal to the metal",, "heel to the steel" throttle through the floorboard CRUSH " ?   Here now the Condition of "Open Road" Obstruction-free Conveyance --  How the fuk is THAT suppose to indicate the Quality of 'good' ?  I'm not buyin' it.

          Assholes often present us with, "I have a tight schedule, but I'll see if I can fit you in".  Here now an Opportunity to regard {Perceive} Time as PHYSICAL Space.   Schedules are BLOCKS of Time .  You precede Blocks with 'solid' and "all of a sudden" Time can be correctly Perceived as Matter, indeed, "Time Matters" if I may be pun-ishingly clownish.  We can enhance this This further by adding Buddhist Quantum Mechanics :  "Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form" = Time is Form, Time is Emptiness, You can see It rite ?

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