Friday, March 11, 2022

The Movement of Still


          I'm headed outdoors to `blow-uP` the south-half of the property.  I had no plans to ryte but there was an "Old Gray Nag" who is what she's ALWAYS 'been' and SHE has DENIED me access to the nascent Spring of which 28 degrees harbingers.  

          I've yet to FULLY resolve 'writing' with War----it seems EXCEEDINGLY Callus to reside in a Realm of Luxury while my Brothers and Sisters pit their Wills against a Nightmare Entity whose DIABOLICALLY CRIMINAL CRUELTY  Ravages a Land of Democratic Peace-Seekers .  I am loathe to qualify my Efforts with "The Show MUST 'go on'" and it is of NO 'Solace' whatsoever that one of my Hero's, Hellmut Wilhelm, gave "Lectures On The I Ching" DURING Nazi Battlefield and Concentration Camp {Genocide-al } Atrocity.  

          Still ......

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