Saturday, March 12, 2022

The "I" and "ME" in Time

           Time can be considered as 'the allocation of Space' within an existing schedule .  What needs to happen first is not just an 'examination' of the existing schedule but a {Ruthless} Scrutiny of  It,,  with regard to Priorities, Necessities, Activities, Frivolities and Luxuries .    Clearly the Evaluation of One's Schedule IZ an Evaluation of One's LIFE.  "Aye, THERE'S the Rub".   When Time is regarded as a Commodity we ask, "How do you SPEND your Time ?"  [What do you DO with it ?] .  Here it is where Time ACTS-LIKE Money .  Indeed, there is a constant and consistent DEMAND to "Make Money" and on the Street and in the Gutter we reference, sometimes with vehement derogation, "Time IS Money"  we add with severe Cross, "Don't Waste My Time" or "You are costing me Money".  

          Since we  INVEST  Money   "to MAKE Money"   can  we  now  INVEST  our  Time  to  `make` Time ?

          The Answer is a       RESOUNDING            YES     !!


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