Thursday, March 10, 2022

Axe Iom

          It can be Argued (and I will) that Non-Confrontation is the ESSENCE of the Democratic Party whose reliance upon 70's "Live and Let Live", and the Bible's "Turn the other cheek" Ideological [Fantasy-laden] Sophistry is rendered as VIABLE political diplomacy in that THEY are purported to GUARANTEE Emotional Insulation AGAINST socio-political transgressions and psycho-active Aggression(s).   This Mental Posture is V--A--S--T--L--Y Removed from the Late 40's Axiom {Axe-iom}, 
                                                  "Talk softly but carry a BIG stick".  
          Clearly, {using the `Ax` in Axiom}, when diplomacy Fails, the BIG Stick is `employed` as POTENTIAL punitive 'Influence' .  Democrats have Abandoned The BIG Stick `rendering` them POWERLESS.   The [Threat of]  The BIG Stick  GUARANTEES Persuasion.   

          In the 50's  >>>   "Sticks and stones will break my bones--but words will never hurt me."

          My guess is =  Putin recites this AMERICAN Adage daily .

1 comment:

  1. Back in the temple we trained with wooden swords every day, getting a wooden body as a prerequisite for a steel body, the sword body the true shape of the mind! it is important to learn that there are 2 sides of a sword blade one is the sword of death and destruction , the other the sword of life, it’s purpose and function is to protect that which gives birth to life and liberation, this sword must be drawn only at the proper moment in time and space,, without attachment to feelings but when it is drawn it’s function is clearly directed to destroy the force and form of destruction ,,,when the sword mind is unmoving then witness there is shadow in the light but there is no light in the darkness,mind sword prevails in the before thinking mind, pre emptive actions lay the ground for actions that are pre active actions,,,the sword of light begins in the scabbard for what may appear to be a long time,,, this is the unseen tactic of a superior strategy which will lead to accomplishing success in war against war, let the dogs chase the thrown bone of their evil intent,when space and time align the stars will shine,,,little by little grass grows by itself,in the spring the flowers bloom!the art of war is like this and just like this ,Yin and Yang, 5 elements ,8 trigrams , 10 directions all fall into harmony by themselves!Evil darkness must expand in order for its true essential features to be revealed , the unmoving mind is moving in stillness,the singularity appears by natural process,digesting our saddest feelings and empathy for those suffering is the fire within,Doing becomes not doing and not doing becomes doing,,,not acting is action in stillness,voice is loudest in the quality off voidness .We must all prepare to do our correct job and keep don’t know,,
