Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Rasp in Grasp

           Somewhere in Miyamoto Musashi's A Book Of Five Rings is a quiet passage that delivers "In all trades there are Principles to which the Masters adhere."  Musashi employs Carpentry as trope to detail and sometimes Explain various Concepts that reside in Sword and Sword Combat (in general).  It is important to note that 'Carpentry' used in Japanese Terms is [that of] Architecture and Design as well as the actual Trade .  I opened with the Trade of Chainsawing because it is That which I am most `intimate`, and to which my Love for INTENSITY can be expressed with NatualNess and Ease. 

          You can see the Problem.  Not only are folks Unfamiliar with Carpentry and its Exactions, even Less  have  had  access  to  Chainsawing  and ITS  `Demands`,  [ Fundamentals and Rudiments ] .   Sword and Sword Training are Esoteric Endeavors to begin with, but if I am to Promote and Advance the Attainment of Sword MIND,  then the use of Everyday Notions and Conceits, REGARDLESS of their `proximity`, REQUIRES some form of Foundational `platforms` in order for the Reader to BEGIN to 'grasp' the Universal Nature of the Principles mentioned above. 


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