Friday, March 11, 2022

Implicit Simplicity

           `Making` Time a Priority is Paramount.  ONE of the 'ways' to be this 'Make' is to begin to lean yourself against Complicationary and to utilize IT to Establish SIMPLICITY where Simplicity is further described with Efficiency and Effective-Ness .  Using Complications to recognize and Identify the Means of Corrections, whether they be of Orientation or Alignment ,  is structurally Tibetan Buddhist in Nature, which itself has "...the problem IS the Solution" as `backside` Protection.   (Tibetan Buddhists Identify 'sins' as THE MEANS OF SALVATION ).  Here now, the DESIRE for Simplicity GENERATES a NATURAL Common Sense, a Common Sense derived from Experience, Good, Bad, and of course WHATEVER .  

           'Simplicity'     --->   "...can take the Mind, where Minds don't usually go".

          Common Sense is Simplicity's Vehicle .  

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