Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Sanctified Crucifixion

           Elsewhere I have described 'modern day' Politics as being  THE  Religion of Self-Interest, where 'Self-Interest' is Code for Status Quo Orientation, the one of "Free Market Capitalism" aka `Slavery Capitalism`.  Here it is where PROFIT is worshiped as the Ultimate Calibration of POWER whereby the Ways and Means of Everyday Sustenance is an EXTENSION of the Will of the SUPER-RICH .  Here, there can be NO Governmental Authority that is NOT Contaminated by the Will of Few, whose ONLY catholic interest is the Deliverance of Subjugation upon the `Many` ---Profit resulting.  

          You can see `IT` rite ?  Jesus as Democracy, Caiaphas as the 1%.  The Love and DEVOTION to EARTHLY Power, the Religion of Status Quo Political Dynamism, those of Free Market and Slavery Capitalism, had become (somehow) SANCTIFIED by the Crucifixion of Democracy and the resultant SPREAD of a "Christianical Democracy" now thoroughly PERVERTED by Status Quo Engineers whose {SOUL} Intent was UNIVERSAL AUTHORITY rite down to the EMBRYONIC Level.


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