Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Heat Bunny

           Some time ago I had a dream in which my Unconscious issued a Koan (Kong-an in Korean).  "What is the MOST Important 'thing' {in} an Airport ?"  I labored over that Kong-an for some time but in a `Somehow` of Cozmic Happenstance 'it' surfaced as RIDICULOUSLY Obvious and caused me chagrined embarrassment .  Without Question the Most Important Thing {in} {at} an Airport is 

                                                                     S -- P-- A -- C -- E

Not just ANY Space but a Space devoid of ALL Obstructions both Above and Below.  

          The `concept`of   'Space'  must be applied to felling a tree as well as Training in Sword.  You `aint gonna`  chainsaw  in a  phone  booth  nor  can  you  wield  Sword  in  a  closet.    

          You need  S   P   A   C   E .  This space must be CLEAR !  The Expression, "Room to Move" gets us close but it is IMPERATIVE to supplement that Physical with the Mental Component of MIND.  Here now, Space IS Mind, indeed Zen Master Seung Sahn use to exert, "You must keep a Mind that is Clear like Space".  It's not even a "hop, skip and a jump" to connect Space with Emptiness and to further connect Emptiness to Mind and its only a gentle nudge to add, "The best Mind is Empty".

          The AwareNess of Space is an AwareNess of EmptyNess, and MIND 'generates' this AwareNess.

           We must be ever so careful NOT to trip and stumble over `Mind creates Mind`.  Be advised.

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