Saturday, March 12, 2022

Of What is Time `made` ?


           In the Film, "Arrival", the View that 'Time' can be manipulated by 'Thinking' is introduced by the "Heptopods" and received by the Humans with Revelatory Exaltation .   The Heptopod Language MUST-BE Mastered however, at least, to Scholar Level, which Amy Redhead reaches and what we see manifested in her Book, "The Universal Language" seen boxed in the Closing of the Film .  

          I had to pull out my copy of Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" to see if HE was of the impression that Time could be manipulated via Thought Energy Production.  Nope, if it's there, I didn't find it.  No Matter.   

          I AGREE with the Writer and Screenplay Executor [and therefore the Heptopods] that Time is SUBJECT-TO Mental  >>>>> `Influences` .   If you read Fritjof Capra's The Tao Of Physics and Gary Zukav's The Dancing Wu Li Masters, you will find that when conducting Quantum Experimentation , the Viewing of the Experiment INFLUENCES the outcome .   HOLYPHUQ gets us there .  

          I know you are asking, "Is Time composed of Matter ? "   Tough one .  Let's hold on to that.

1 comment:

  1. It’s about time!!! You payed attention to the God particles, Higgs boson the onion has layers, Bend it find its frequency and be a particle,string it together ,,, like this when 2 or more are gathered in my name,in thought and by word deed has magical adaptability,,,Skillful means,,,all this stands to reason and sits to silence,,,,words can’t explain and yet you got it’s taste are you ready to believe we can fly together,,welcome to magic school Kwang Ja Nim.the infinite void is as close as the observation of your bodies shadow as it moves in the light of day,,,and the moon lit night …the portals to other dimensions arrive when the mind is unmoved!sentient beings are numberless(worlds upon worlds) we are the vow that abides in the direction of saving them all!passions and feelings are endless these sensations first enter into the bodies engine we digest them in cessation and the fire within is the fusion of our trajectory which harmonizes as the plasma trail of extinguishment,,,the teachings are infinite as the small (I, me my) finds it’s right place as 7th conciousness the brain can relay downloads in service to the previous vows , harmony with the vastness of infinity without hindrance, it’s not personal rather it’s functional as bodhi with Maha Sattva,,our final guide is that it’s all beyond any reasonable functionality our limited capacity (this karma body’s brain is) can muster up on its own rna , dna accessibility, but when opened to higher dimensional space the inconceivable flows unhindered,we vow to attain it just for the hell of it,, cause we already did , our imperfection is perfection our suffering is joy , absolute no meaning channels greatest meaning, free will no choice🙌🏻😇😇🤩🌙🤪😁👏🏻
