Thursday, March 10, 2022

The "I" in Defiance

           Recall the ABJECT DEFIANCE generated by CLEARLY GUILTY and CONTEMPTUOUS individuals Responsible for Downfall of American Constitutional Justice.   Knowing that the democrats HAD NO MEANS OF {BENEDICTIVE} PUNITORY MECHANISMS, they advanced their Anti-Democracy Agenda with the Power and Might of ,                            "

                                    "FUCK YOU AND YOUR CONSTITUTION TOO !! " 

They used the Constitution and Declaration of Independence as so much toilette paper.

          Here it was that DIRECT CONFRONTATION did NOT manufacture POSITIVE {Judicial} Results, but rather a PLETHORA of Disgrace-laden EMBARRASSMENTS .   These Embarrassments further identified Direct Confrontation as UNSUITABLE for political Scrutiny(s).  However, the Failure was NOT in the advantage of Direct Confrontation, but in the ABSENCE of Punitive `Retaliation`, the Employment of The BIG Stick.  



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