Wednesday, March 23, 2022


           Some of us 'grew up' to , "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away".  It reeks of the stench of White Man "Indian Giver", the One of >>Promise<<  Defiled by Corrupted Interest, the One of "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee".   Jesus is purported to 'wear' 'many hats' and I am loathe to have HIM don the >>Cavalry<< Cap of Perverted (CRIMINAL) Licentiousness .  

          `It` is far better to View the Christ as an AGENT of the Law, meaning, He was sent to the Planet to REDEFINE   >>>> A <<<< Spiritual Existence that had become INSOLVENT due to the Failings, Shortcomings, Flaws and whole*scale ABANDONMENT of  the Universal Principles of  Divine Priorities.  

          From your Western Civ Studies recall that Caiaphas was the Leader of the Political Sanhedrin that pressured Pontius Pilate into exercising his Roman Authority, his EARTHLY POWER, to condemn Jesus to a Crucifixion Demise as CRIMINAL TRAITOR .  The Religious Sanhedrin had NO >>Wish<< to even SANCTION Jesus's Ministry WHATSOEVER .  

          Here we should Understand Caiaphas as UNIVERSAL EVERYMAN, the one of STATUS QUO Worry-or-ship, the one of a FEAR BASED Agency , a one that completely DENIED the Spiritual Power of RELIGIOUS Actuality .

          Here it was that Political Power USURPED Spirituality as THE 'Ultimate and Supreme' thereby relegating Jesus's Teaching to a Station of   INSIGNIFICANT  Polemics.      

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