Sunday, March 31, 2024

"Sister Mary Elephant"

                              St Patrick's Day means "Everybody is IRISH for one day" .    How great would it be if on Easter Sunday, Every-one is Christian for one day ????

              For some of us, Easter was like a mini-Christmas .   I recall receiving gifts, everything from baseball gloves, balls, underwear(s) plus trousers, shirts and even coats and once a jacket --- my sister got new outfits to wear to Church on Easter Sunday ---  I mean, it was like on EVERY Easter Sunday .   My Mom would adorn herself in the latest fashions including cutting edge millinery .   She was never less than STUNNINGLY Beautiful .  

              There was this one Easter we celebrated at my Uncle Pete and Aunt Beatrice's home.  He was Greek and had prepared Roast Lamb .   It was "indescribably delicious" .   Their Table was set out in Greek Tradition, with every form of olive, cheese and the 'what-have-you' of Greek Feast Tradition, including, (obviously) Mediterranean Fare .  It was COMPLETELY Exotic .

              Easter Breakfast was Portuguese : Sweet Bread, scrambled eggs with Portuguese sausage known as linguicia, and chourica, [[[which I readily DEVOURED !!!!!]]]  --  and of course, hard boiled eggs .  

               I URGE you to try Portuguese Sweet Bread with not one but TWO tons of butter .   It will make you DELIRIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, March 30, 2024

"Ya CAN fix stupid"

                             I will leave you folks with just one more .    "Love  thy  neighbor  {enemies}  as  thyself"  is  the  Socio-Ideal-Logical*  Teaching  that  supplants  the  Entirety  of  the  10  Commandments .  

              This Contention is derived from Jesus's Final Sorrow-Laden Exhaustion :  "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do ."   

              I KNOW this is  GIANT  Leap of   Existential Exigency but I MUST insist that it is Logically Viable .   

               I'm figurin' The Father sent His Only-Begotten to rectify the defilements that the 10 Commandments wrought .   

               Consider ........... .


                             I am of the Conviction that the Resurrection is THE "Ultimate" Teaching of those that Believe in Christ .   Buddhism is based, in part, on Reincarnation-- that, Existence is Life after Life until Perfection is attained and one is 'removed' from The Cycle of Life, Death, and Life, the Existence within Samsara .   

              We have learned that the Ancients and the VERY Ancients feared Death, that they wanted a less disastrous outcome than Ultimate Finality--and that the Teaching of Jesus GUARANTEED an ETERNAL Life of  God-nearingful* Bliss --- Given, of course, that one's Life had been DEVOTED to Jesus and God, The Father .   

              Buddhism affords FAR-MORE 'latitude' than "One and Done" and Mystically offers "Samsara IS Nirvana and, Nirvana IS Samsara",  and  in so  doing  "allows"  for   Life-Altering   and   Life Defining Mistakes .   Recall that Jesus ` Zenned-out* "The Kingdom of Heaven is all-around You."  {{{IFF you can see it.}}}



"To everything, Turin, Turin, Turin..."

                              We've been taught that the Spirit of Jesus 'left' His Body .   His Body was then positioned in the Tomb .   Holy Saturday is the "Time" before His Resurrection and we were further taught that during this Time Jesus `descended` into Purgatory to awaken the sleeping Patriarchs that they may ascend to Heaven and into the Presence of   God,   The Father .   

            Bio-Mechanical Physics has reported that the "Shroud of Turin" was impacted by some sort of Super-Natural "Plasma" that imprinted the Body Features of the Un-Risen Savior .  Jesus's Life Energy was somehow Returned to >> A << Body that itself had undergone Transformative* Reconfiguration -- so much so that when His "Most Beloved Disciple", Mary Magdaline, did NOT recognize Him,  He had to tell her, "It is I" .   



Friday, March 29, 2024

My Easter Onion

                              I have a large four-shelf 'pantry' rite opposite my Cave.   When I was re-organizing and cleaning it I discovered an onion that had somehow fallen onto the lowest shelf .  It had sprouted and had a few 5 inch extensions growing--- which I fantasized to be an Easter MIRACLE .   I put it into water so I could encourage root growth .

            A couple of days later I was re-organizing and clearing the Staging Area [51] and discovered a pot and saucer combo the suited the Easter Onion  PERFECTLY . {Yet another fucking MIRACLE} .   I planted the Easter Onion and set the Miracle on the bolster in front of the Kitten's Magic Garden Window .

           So then I wondered =  if there are Easter Lilies can there be Easter ONIONS ???   It didn't take too long before I went BAT-SHIT Qrayzee and wondered why there isn't Easter Frogs, Toads, Weasels and Ticks --- I mean SHOULD there BE Easter  >>>Ticks<<<   ???????


The Easter Bunny must be arboreal ~~

                             Ya get these folks who hang plastic eggs from small trees .   I don't get it unless you figure [that] the Easter Bunny is arboreal .   Did NOT see that coming.   Not only is the Easter Bunny REPTILIAN or FOWL ish --- it's ARBOREAL .       Kwite* the Miracle .   Look at the whole thing = =  the Easter Bunny is part REPTILE or FOWLish and it "lays" eggs in trees --- so then  there's  the  Easter Egg >>> Hunt .     2  words : :  Wow .     Did the eggs drop from INVISIBLE trees ???    What else IS there ?  Miracle after Miracle, "The hits just keep-on comin' " .

The Easter Reptile

                              It's "Good Friday" here on Earth .   In the Olden Days I would have attempted to fast and even remain Silent for the entire day that I may HONOR the Passion of our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Christ .   Instead, I'm thinkin'-about `doing` a harangue that scopes Easter Bunny EGG LAYING -- of which, the best that I can command is that a mammal "laying" an egg is some sort of Easter MIRACLE compounded by the fantasy that the egg contains NOT another life form but CHOCOLATE .   It's a whole-nother* Level of W--T--F .   


Thursday, March 28, 2024

Dead Heat

                              It's gonna-be up to the Mil .   Will It defend Democracy and disqualify trump ?   Will IT 'stand up' for Democracy and REJECT trump's [pre-ordained] dictatorship ?    2 words :  Remember what's-his-name Flynn !!!

            Every-time I hear Joe declare that he has Faith in the American Electorate I cringe --- the first thought is this :  LOSER .    Didn't the Electoral College elect trump in the first place ???    

            When the Future 'arrived' it "laid waste" to the Minds, Hearts and Souls of MILLIONS .   American Life ENDED as we knew it .   GONE was fucking EVERYTHING [ . ]    

            "IT" cannot be considered a "Wonder" that Good, Honest,, and Decent Folks were driven MAD by the abject FAILURE of American Govern-Mental-Ship to ward off DISASTER It should have fore-casted that resulted from company and corporation migration .   Instead nothing but Pure and Unadulterated ABANDONMENT .   

            The "Breadbasket" became the DREAD-basket --- nothing but Industry GRAVEYARDS and Tombstone Territories --- now haunted by Dead Souls--- where the Wails of  the Forgotten can be heard as "FUCK THOSE MIGRANTS WHAT ABOUT ME ???? !!!!!" 

"Bye bye Miss American Pie"

                             The 2024 Presidential Election will be a Clusterfuck .   NO ONE will 'Win' .   Trump will maintain his Insanity as will his voters .   

            KNOWING what trump will bring if he is elected, does Biden have the BALLS to stay in the WH and abjectly REFUSE to acknowledge a trump V ?   My guess is NO .

            So much for "The Soul of America" .  

             "Bye Bye Miss American Pie" .

The MOCK in Democracy

                             Trump insaned*.  "I can shoot someone on 5th Avenue and nothing will happen to me ."   Hasn't  he  already  done  so ?     I mean it this way ;   He KILLED [Miss] America on Jan.6 .   He remains Free .   Democracy has proven POWERLESS in the 'face' of his [widely accepted] CRIMINAL INSANITY .   

            In the same way that >mtg< has put the c- the u- the n- and the t in country,,, trump has single-handedly put the MOCK in Democracy .

"You feel me ?"

                             Yesterday, during the twi-nite*, I was watching the News with what I now refer to as 'chronic helplessness' {import of Hell in hell-pless} .   I had the FEELING that at least HALF of all  Americans are fucking NUTS, flat-out fucking [bat shit] CRAZY,, because of their 'Belief System', which we all recognize [now] as "The Big Lie" which SHOULD-BE identified as `The Myth of the Stolen Election` .  

            I've been in a few Math classes and never found a ONE who is FANATIC about "Finite Math", Algebra, Geometry and the like .  The Sciences do NOT generate a Pathology of Passion --- shit --- how can it ?  BUT ---  get into Politics and THAT'S a different ball game .  Colleges and Universities offer "Political SCIENCE" but in THIS "Day and Age" Political Science is an oxymoron --- just look at the American Congress .   

            Clearly HALF of America does NOT "care" about Truth {or the Belief in Truth} .  Half of America DOES ((believe)) in their Feelings .  Here, Feelings ARE the Truth .  Emotion IS Science .   It's backasswards* but that's how "IT" is .  This "IT" now enforces "You FEEL me ?"  where "Feel"  means Understand    but THIS "understanding" is   Gut and Heart   Based and is in  NO Way Cerebral .  

            2 words ::   WOW !


...that's some 4 year old .

                              Some time ago I wrote that America was the Titanic and trump was captain .   2 words : I was WAAAAY the fuck off .   America remains the Titanic but trump is the iceberg NOT the captain .   America is goin' down and it ain't never comin' back, at least in this lifetime,, and probably for the next several .    

            I've come to understand Democracy as a "Belief System" and have taken great pains to introduce my thoughts [as] to the Nature of  Truth ---  when Truth is jettisoned for   Paganistic* Theology ,  the worship of the Almighty Dollar via the Ways and Means of {non-democratic} Capitalism, becomes a Religion wherein Truth is NOT the foundation of Governmental [and Societal} Infrastructure  .    The utter and complete discharge of Truth carries with it 'Belief' in general, where Belief is primarily a composite of Faith and Hope .   Here it is where both Facts and Evidence do NOT play ANY role in Paganistic Capitalism, but FEELINGS {as Emotions} DO .

            One SUPER-SMART identified Trumpism as a 'realm' of Feelings--that trump is able to elicit EXTRA-ORDINARY >>> Feelings<<< from his followers ;   whereas democrats are UNABLE  to generate much Emotion save the stubborn-Ness* of  default HISTORICAL Rapture, the Great -->  "We were once Awesome" .  

            Here Groucho Marx defines Reality :   "Why a four year old could figure this out ----  go get a four year old because I can't make 'heads or tails' of it ."             

Thursday, March 21, 2024

The difference between rwyte and rwong

                              If you count lunch and a siesta, it took 3 more hours to do the breakdown and put the tools away .   I had to sit and rest between pieces--I shyte you not .

            Elsewhere I have aggravated* that sometimes you CAN "Get Satisfaction"... .   Moving a thousand pound stone supplies that very same .   And yet, I haven't put a AA in my fav clock --- it remains on the bed .... .   What's rwong* with me ?

Jack Floorst

                         I got it out .   Four hours to get it up a foot or so and a foot or so in advancement .   It was a monstor* .    I rowed an hour and the choke slipped off,  another hour and it slipped off again .    I hadn't wanted to use the cloth straps because there is ALWAYS the risk of tear and wear --- thing is --- they grab and I mean GRAB  .   

            So ---  the monstor was like an iceberg ~~  sorta .   It had a protuberance that "dug-in" like the keel-fin of a sail boat .  {What's the REAL name of that keel-fin???}   Applying pressure from the Puller lifted the rear of the stone because of the 'fin' .   "Uhhhh   Houston ??"

            I positioned the floor jack just to see what I cood* see .   I couple of pumps and I secured advancement, prahblee* a quarter to half an inch .....  only 20 more repositionings* and...... .


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

DON'T Rushmore, rush less .

                             I'm a Fuck-uP with Issues ,, how am I even walking around ?

            There's shit THAT-MUST-BE-DONE and shit I GOTTA do,,, and then there's the shit I would LOVE to do {"I don't-wanna work, I want bang on the drum all day"} , and the shit that's just gonna STAY Shit .   Is "Perpetual Recess" mere MYTH ????   

            I gotta move a thousand pound Stone, it's a 'stone' because it will NEVER have even the slightest chance of being able to 'rock'---where as a Rock IS able to rock when pressure is applied, of course .   It's in my way .   I have to fell a small Maple and I can't get the saw where it needs to be, so ---- .   There are no openings for the floor jack, no openings for ANY Jack so it must be choked and skidded .  Here, the FULL THOUSAND is 'felt' at the Puller, every 'row' needs BYG-TYME Effort .......... oh well ... .

           I measure the rock using yard sticks, that's how large it is , and it will require 5/8ths chain - this chain ain't lite-- even in a bucket I gotta use the hand-truck to move it ... .   You can see the Problem =  the area must be free of debris to make it EZ for the hand-truck [ 2-wheeler ] .   Remember Mt. Rushmore ??


Concrete Blockhead

                              I'm mentally ill .   Now you'd think that THAT is a TREMENDOUS Excuse for being a "Fuck-uP" and "Loser" ,, but nope ---not even close .   Ain't no one STRIVES to be a Fuck-uP and Loser but nor does it "just happen"---  ya gotta work at it .   

            It's like a 'compound fracture' the bone is broken AND it protrudes from the skin ,  good stuff ... .  When you combine Fucked-uP with Geriatric Imbecility and then mix-in Physical Debilitation-as-Governing Principle, the result is a guy who sits and stares at his screen and wonders "Where the fuck is that FIRST SENTENCE ?"   

            I awoke with a Song by Grand Funk Railroad "running" in my head .  How'd THAT get there ?

            The borders of the Garden have all but rotted into Evaporation .   I KNEW this would happen, I did NOT treat the lumber with any Preservative so, you get what you DON'T pay for .   I DON'T want to buy the 2 x 10's that would GUARANTEE  acceptable results, instead, I'm inclined to use planting troughs as retainers ---weak at best, at worst just stupit .................... .

           I tried the Logical :  concrete blocks-- but they are SOOOO heavy and I am SOOOOO Weak --- plus, they don't look so good, they have too much visible WEIGHT ---  >> hideous <<  gets us there .

Monday, March 18, 2024

The Garden of Stephen

                              Every Easter I run-out a Fantasy = = =  I clean and clear everything as an Invitation to Jesus to "Stop-by and 'set a spell' ".    Easter is the closest Catholicism gets to Reincarnation so,,, I mean,,, there's THAT .

            Back in Ancient Days they wanted SOMETHING that helped them Deal with Death .   For Roman Soldiery is was the Cult of Mithras --  a "Way" to Avoid Ego-Self   >>>FINALITY<<<   ---   the one of "Never-to-Return".

            I imagine Jesus on a stroll down Tupelo Road with the Holy Spirit  'shape-shifted' into a Dog .   I am attending to garden matters when I hear, "Hey DeSilva, wanna get HY ?"  I look up and see a Man and his Dog at the gate, smiling and the Dog wagging His tail in excited expectation .   I yell out, "FUCK YEAH !!!" and run to the gate to open it for Him and the Holy Spirit . 

                    A few feet inside and Jesus blesses, "Ya done good here."   

Saturday, March 16, 2024

"Forever" lasts until the money runs out .

                              It was like a Love Affair .    Biden swoons, I will Protect You Forever .   Once the Romance was pulverized by russian canons "FOREVER" was fucking OVER .   

            Biden and his were spending trump's inheritance by the BILLIONS ---  you can see WHY the trumpists are screaming bloody MURDER !!!  


            You can see it rite ?


                          I am loathe to title this Effort    "The Abandonment of Ukraine" .    I know something of 'Abandonment' .   I asked my Therapist about it ---  there was a pause --- he resigned, "Some people never recover ."

            Here's some Truth, according to the Book of Stephen :   NATO could Rescue Ukraine in a 'moment's notice' .   The Question is and always has been, "Will putin deploy and utilize Nuclear Weapons?"   It's a Question-of-the-Ages .   I say, NO FUCKING WAY --- putin has too much to lose .  BUT  .................................. .

            Victory for Ukraine is IMPOSSIBLE .   Putin has 10 to TWENTY times the manpower and he has access to China, Iran and North Korea who remain steadfastly INSANE with regard to their own Imperialist Hegemony .  

            Elsewhere I have argued that putin OWNS the E.U. which is dependent upon RUSSIAN FUELS for Home Heating and Industry Operation .   NATO >>>  CANNOT  <<< "step in" to defeat putin UNLESS the goal is to INVADE Russia and Plunder ITS Energy Reservoirs .   Think THAT will happen ?

            But 'This' aint about THAT .


Friday, March 15, 2024

The so-called "Prison of Humility"

                              You can see it, rite* ?  ---->  "The Middle Way"

            I've been FORCED to >> Real-Eyes << that my Geriatric Imbecility has kept me Prisoner in the Prison of Humility the now known  as Penitence Penitentiary .   It is as if there isn't nor can there EVER-BE, >>>FULL<<<   Sin Expiation .   Ah yes, and there it is >>>  Life .

            I sometimes REVEL in my "Samurai Arrogance" .   To be University Educated and Trained in the Martial Arts and the Ancient Chinese Classics, to have lived in the Temple of the Greatest Swordsman of our time and MANY others,  to have studied with Zen Master Seung Sahn ... .

             I mean, "No brag, just Fact" .

            But then there's Reality ............................................................. .   

Miss Intent

                              In the BEST-POSSIBLE Sense, you WANNA   'get to'   "Doighty-doighty" .

                              In the WORST-POSSIBLE Sense you wanna   AVOID   'getting to'   "Doighty-                                                doighty".

            Irreconcilable Opposites {?} --- or the Truth of  composite Actuality ????

            So---------------wtf  IS  "Doighty-doighty" ???????????????????

             I beg you to ill-consider that "Doighty-doighty" is none-other than Buddhist "Emptiness" .   But know this , if you want, as I do, to "experience the Fullness of Life until your NATURAL End" as Chuang Tsu has addressed, than 'getting to' Emptiness is where the "All" is "At" .    It may well be that this street fool is a Zen Master in Cloak .   2 words =  Oh my, oh my, oh my .


                              After yesterday's "Contact" with a Folk, I am now obsessed with a character out-of the then now ancient "Mad Magazine".   It's a 'guy' who is undauntingly* unflappable under any and ALL outer conditions, as though fucking IMPERVIOUS to, as the Who would have it, "Outside Stimulation" .  I can't recall his name but the writer/artist had a balloon above his head that read, "Doity-Doity".  This is my Nu Obsession = =  "doity-doity" .

"Let me expose myself to you" . --- Hill Street Blues

                         I wonder about People, Folks, Citizens and the like ............ .

            Some Folks don't know about Joseph Campbell, that he is the preeminent Authority on Humankind's Myths .   How do you 'get through' Life without reading him ?

            See how stupit* that reads ?   I am GREAT at that shit , really GREAT-- Superb actually .

             One of my Inner Voices exasperates, "How the fuck can the know Campbell it they've never been EXPOSED ?????"


A Piece of the Pi

                              Folks will tell ya, "Don't worry about the numbers, all that matters is YOUR shit."   I mean................. that's tough .

            I  have   found  my niche, for what it's worth ---  "a room of one's own" -- Dickenson style-- and yet ... .

            "Finding" my niche---it ain't enough---  I wanted to produce RESULTS, an increase in readers that would validate and affirm my Efforts ---  THAT'S why numbers are Important . [Confirmation] 


Thursday, March 14, 2024

Sex Hex

                              This was my fifth Effort to move that boulder from the rear boundary line to its almost Final Resting Place .   Initially it was atop two land-infected table rocks which I want to use to 'make' a Turtle Symbol in remembrance of Native American World Origin .   I >>  LUST  << for those ,,  so that BMF just HAD to go .   I couldn't get the Puller lead on it because of obstructions so I resorted to jacks, specifically my 2 1/2 ton floor jack and my 10 ton bottle jack .    I rued that I'd burned all the 'bunting' this winter so THAT 'meant I had to forage-to-finesse blocks, and wedges .  It's not what you think ,,,  walking around like a "chicken-with-its-head-cut-off" affords REAL-TIME Rest and eases my lower back,, the so-called "spinal erectors" .  Still, I DID fite-back* some erudite REMORSE for NOT getting the pallets to recoup my losses .   

            The {fucking} LAST    `Thing-I-Wanted`    was to be unable to    "Get It Up" .  

BLINDING Glacial Speed or Plumb and Plumber

                              It took all day to move a ton-and-a-half boulder 3 fucking feet .   "All day" in Retirement terms is roughly 6 hours .  I was working at the `speed` of a glacier .   

            Yesterday I had to set a new post for the garden fence .  I dreaded it .   Post-hole-diggers demand shoulder fitness and upper-back stability -- I'm old so ~~~~~ .   THAT effort took me only TH R EE hours but I paid the price for that kind of "light speed" .   Besides post-hole-ing I had to pack the soil to compress it--- so I had to use a cold-roll steel bar to optimize point-of-impact compression .  Again, it's  the 'shoulders thing" .   I thought {for sure} I wouldn't last even ONE hour at the "come-along" [Puller] . 

            I used a 2-sided fence-post level which aided in the Process .  In the past I had only a 'reg-lar' level and using THAT is time consuming .  You want it "straight and true" "Plumb" on both sides . 

            Plumb -----------------  funny word .   How did 'plumb' get into Plumber ???????  

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Lost and Bound

                             Ya know the "Lost Hour" of Daylight Savings Time ?   Well, I filled it with every fucked-up chore, every mind-bending task, every shit turd, every vomit morsel and every item of stress and distress so that when it approached I could acknowledge the Cosmic Wink with CALLUS Indignity if not flat-out CONTEMPT !!!!

            I have Issues ---BOY do I have Issues .

"... erudite scholarship ..."

                              Redneck Royalty AND Redneck Intelligensia openly MOCK "erudite scholarship" .   In a BRILLIANT episode of "South Park" "Kenny", the mealy-mouthed mumbler, is depicted as a fucking ERUDITE SCHOLAR ---  a so-called "Man Of Letters" .   I was fucking DYING .  

            In dystopic truth, Kenny and his family are "nothing more than" >>> White Trash<<<  Redneck Hillbillies --- Gutter/Scum-of-the-Earth  whose lack of surety is self-evidence of Providencial DYS-Approval ---- I mean,  SUPPOSEDLY . 

            I confess :  even though I SHOULDN'T I admire Cartman because of {and you can see this a mile away}  "You MUST Respect my AuthoriTAY".  Yep, it's true---also Cartman HATES Hippies ---been there on THAT !

            Thing is --- there's always Steve Miller's "Sit around the house, get HY, and watch the Tube"  I mean SHIT, what's NOT to Love about THAT ?????????

             But I digress ... .


The Porcupine Shuffle

                             I  opened  the  window  and  yelled  to the  Kittens,   "I'm  here  in  the  Heaven  Room" .  I closed the window and stood up, "Where did THAT come from?"   I didn't even know I HAD a "Heaven Room".  I looked around warily, I saw what I always see .  Hmmm I was looking at Heaven .   I'm all fucked-up .

            Just having a "Sense of Humor" is not enough, not anywhere NEAR Enough .   You gotta be able to laugh at yourself and if not laugh then NOT "Take your-self too seriously".    Dancing helps .   I listen to ALOTTA* Music each day .   Music Heals the Soul but it almost ALWAYS stimulates the Body to Exert the Freedom that resides in Joy --- .

            You gyze* ever seen you  a Porcupine Dance ????

"... meritorious persiflage..."

                              D.H. Lawrence uses "meritorious persiflage" in his   Lady Chatterley's Lover,   a something that almost DEMANDS a swift boot in the ass .   I was fucking PISSED that I did NOT know EITHER of these two words, I mean FUCK, I was in my SENIOR year expecting a DEGREE in English Lit, yet there I was needing a DICTIONARY like some dunce or unschooled cur .   

            As far as I go, I always try to speak the English real good, but see what happens ?   I WANT     folks to think well of me --- I WANT them to say, "He done speak him the English real good ."  I mean shit, who DOESN'T want THAT ?   I've termed it  >>.Redneck Intellectualism<<< .  I even have a gag for it based on "What's-his-name" the Redneck Comedian who cited "You know you're a Redneck when"... .  Here it is :  You know you're a Redneck Intellectual when you can use "meritorious persiflage" in a sentence .   



Obsidian Obscurity

                             I had a great 'first sentence' but she got up out of Chairy-Chair's lap and went upstairs .   Now I'm left with Vague, Blur and Obsidian Obscurity .   You wanna figure well FUCK isn't THAT a great 1st sentence ???    Uhhhh .

            There are these crazy mental vortices {this spelling is correct} {also vortexes} that trap an unsuspecting ConsciousNess* because of its inattentiveness and worst, Innocence .   It's like looking at a tornado swirling with debris, you can see individual items secured by brute C-Force, but you don't DARE approach since you may be sucked into the Vortex where SURELY no 'good' can `come about` .   I am FASCINATED by these items and their Suspension  due to Centrifugal Force, as if C-Force is even MORE Powerful that G-Force .   It MUST-BE rite ???

            There are daze when my tiny monkey brain is as VAST as Oklahoma wherein the State's Landfill Site is located .   Each item a singular Piece and EXPRESSION of my Mind and ITS cluster/jungle-fuck of Issues, Topics, Considerations, and Teachings .    

             From Lao Tzu =  "I stare as if stupid".      2 words ::   Yup .

Saturday, March 9, 2024


                              Americans don't seem to understand that their "Tax Dollars" are SLAUGHTERING Innocent Palestinians and STARVING Those who remain .    "God Bless America".

"But don't you believe them"

                              I am loathe to switch boats in mid-river ~~~ BUT ......... .

            For the    ZILLIONTH   Time, trump and his have been able to avoid Capture by extending escape in the form of Justice DENIAL .   Both BIG Brains and SUPER-SMARTS have CONDEMNED the DOJ for obligational* malfeasance and a {{"gun-shy"}}  Policy that summarily REJECTS the Constitutionality of a "Speedy Trial" .    Smith and his have tried to WHIP the Judiciary by expressing [For all to see], the INNATE "Dawdle" that is enmeshed within APPROPRIATE Judicial Response .   All for fucking NAUGHT .    Clearly, trump and his have 'out-slicked' Smith and his brothers  {from an old TV commercial : "Send for the Smith Brothers"} .

          The  Escapism* of  trump and his  has been a fucking ANATHEMA to Hippie-Warrior, Nicole Wallace .    She and hers have "pinned" the blame on the DOJ as well they should .   However, the BIG Brains AND the SUPER-SMARTS have grudgingly defended the Judicial >>> System<<< for its [INNATE] lack of Repairitory* Velocity; by using the Bruce Hornsby and the Range's Status Quo Annunciation --->  "That's Just The Way It Is" <<<  somehow NOT acknowledging the rest of the lyric, "But don't you believe them" .


In for dollar ,, out with a crime

                              America is considering building  a pier somewhere off the coast of Gaza .   Some of you recall my blog, "The Boat People of Gaza" .   That blog was written months ago .   

          The Plan has the Army Corps of Engineers constructing the Pier and they can do so within three months, or so I have heard .   Will GI Joe "make it happen" ?

           Remember the troop transports and the Landing Craft used in WWII ?   In a MOMENTS notice the Navy could send 'those very' to that Area and provide near-dead Gazans with AMERICAN Relief .  Instead, and once again, Americans chose the "Hands-Off" Method, that of Parachute Deployment, which certainly invites "Every-man-for-himself" Recovery .   Would I beat my neighbor to near Death so I can feed my family ?   Fuck Yeah .

           You can see it rite ?

Thursday, March 7, 2024

"No brag, just fact."

                              Starvation, Truth, Honest and their 'nuances' aren't the only Consideration :  recently I've 'run-up-against' the difference between > Being Smart and Being Intelligent .   I DON'T-KNOW how I got to There --- I DO know that Smart Folks can be `lacking`  Intelligence .   

            The term I used to leverage Intelligence from Smart is "Discernment".   The Ancient Chinese used "Discernment" as a Tool to pry Secrets from the Universal ConsciousNess* .    I argue that there is a Mystical Quality to these Secrets --- that one's Mind MUST-BE Receptive to the Infinite, [elsewhere noted as, 'Being tuned to the Infinite'] ,, where 'Infinite' manifests not only as , "What is the One is the One", but also as "What is NOT the One is ALSO the One" .   We must look HARD at "What is Not the One is ALSO the One" because the Secrets are miraculously Hidden in THAT There.

           How do I know this ?  EZ-  I've been to that There, so I KNOW It exists .

           "You can believe me, I'm always RIGHT and I NEVER Lie" .

"Humble, like the dust..."

                              My body eats Heat .   I'm figurin' THAT'S why I'd gotten SOOO fucking Cold .  2 words :   STARVATION .

            OBVIOUSLY   I  am  not  referring  to  the   Starvation   being Experienced by Gazans and West Bankers ---  no and FUCK-NO .    Being Starved for Heat is self-imposed, what I did and didn't do I did and didn't do TO myself for strictly oblique reasons .   Elsewhere I have proffered the term 'Perpetual Penitence' to describe an abject state of Humility [believe it or don't] .   There is defiled Romance in the expression, "The Sage walks with his head lowered, Humble, like the dust".   I mean, the Statement is Truthful but is devoid of Honesty .   

             Someway, somehow,, Starvation, Truth,, and  Honesty  are intimately bound .

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


                             I Live the Lie" by trying NOT to "Live the Lie".     That right there is rhetorical oxymoronicism*  -- me at my BEST .   

            I do NOT 'know' what the "Lie" is, but I'm CERTAIN I'm living SOMETHING that AINT the Truth .   Do I NEED to "Live the Truth" ????????   Good question .

            I LOVE to impose IMPOSSIBLE into everyday activity .   That way, when I actually accomplish a task that is `Impossible` I can REVEL in my now SUPER-HUMAN Powers .   There's the LIE rite there .  Who  among  us  does  NOT  want  to  be  considered   SUPER- Human   ?????? !!!!   I know I do .  Don't You ??


"Texas Radio"

                             Jim Morrison swoons,    "I  wanna  tell  you  about   "Texas  Radio  and the  BIG  Beat . "  .    I wanna tell you about the South-East Screen and the Existential Crisis .

            THAT'S what 'Calamitous Propensity IS >>>  Crisis bordering DISASTER .   The Screen acts to shield the Inside from the Outside, but now that the neighbor-to-be is about to construct a "double-decker"*  ALL Privacy that the screen affords now will be erased, so to speak, and the 2nd level occupants will have visual access to the quasi Clusterfuck that IS the Industry Internals of Steve DeSilva's `Ground Control` .  I call it  "Staging Area 51" .  




                              Vonnegut mystifies with, "Listen, can you hear it ?   Per-tee-weet ."   At the beginning of a Dharma Talk Zen Master would raise a short staff above his head and ask, "Can you see it ?"   Then he would slam it to the floor and and ask, "Can you hear it ?" .    So far, no good .   With regard to the Screen I couldn't See nor Hear .   The solutions {Soul ew-tions} were hidden amidst the clusterfuck manifestations of Mother Nature's Secrets .  I was both Deaf and Blind resulting in Dumb .   


The Old in Cold

                             I was Cold and I couldn't get Warm .   "It"   [the Cold]   had penetrated to my inmost Reaches~~~ establishing a Frozen Tabernacle within my very Soul  which resulted in a Paralysis of Pen and with THAT a chronic Heartsickness that itself generated an overabundance of both Fear and Dread .  {When you get "fucked-up: get TOTALLY Fuck-ed uP ... } .

            The south-east lattice screen had been jury-rigged using C-clamps and off-size 2 x 4's .  Untreated 2 x 4's can NOT withstand the ravages of New England coastal clime :   "wobbly" gets us to 'there' .  In fact, the entire 'assemblage' had reached calamitous propensity , despite "half-assed" "fixes" everywhere .   Plus, I had lost interest in the Screen because I just COOD-NOT* "figure-out" the BEST solution to the various problems 'calamitous propensity' manifests .  I told you kids--  I'm lazy and imbecilic .

            But I digress ... .



The Age in Sage

                              I've got everything 'figured-out' .   It took awhile .   The day my Driver's License expired, my birth day date , I couldn't write .   I mean it this way :  although there were  serious Topics readily available ~~  they were bound together by the glue of confusion rendering them an enormous clusterfuck* of  incomprehensible Static and comprehensible Distortion .   Normally {for me} I CHERISH Confusion, Disorder and Chaos, since 'they' are Manifestation of the Truth of the Infinite [at least ONE Truth anyway],  which is :   "Nature's Tendency is ALWAYS towards MASS ENTROPY" .   I am not responsible for applying the Female Gender to ---> Nature, but "Mother Nature" has "been-around" as long as Aristotle {Air iss  Startle} .    Are Females [BY NATURE] generators of Chaos ?   C'mon now .    

          Lao Tzu informs us that it is "up-to" the Sage to "Untangle the knots" and "Soften the Glare" .   I WANT to be considered, at the very least,, "sage like",,, so you can see where I'm at . 


Friday, March 1, 2024


                              Another Victory for trump and his .    The "Winning" just won't stop .   

            Democracy has been defeated, >>> ignominiously<<< .   The "Stars and Bars" being paraded in the Capitol is all the Proof that's needed ... .   Half the senate is putinist .  MORE than half the 'house' has NO Interest in arming Ukraine .   Netanyahu is slaughtering Innocents by the THOUSANDS - the rest will die of Starvation within a few days .   

            Yossarian tries to console the waist gunner whose entrails lie in a heap, "There there"... .

             Biden at the Border whispering, "There there" ... .