Monday, March 18, 2024

The Garden of Stephen

                              Every Easter I run-out a Fantasy = = =  I clean and clear everything as an Invitation to Jesus to "Stop-by and 'set a spell' ".    Easter is the closest Catholicism gets to Reincarnation so,,, I mean,,, there's THAT .

            Back in Ancient Days they wanted SOMETHING that helped them Deal with Death .   For Roman Soldiery is was the Cult of Mithras --  a "Way" to Avoid Ego-Self   >>>FINALITY<<<   ---   the one of "Never-to-Return".

            I imagine Jesus on a stroll down Tupelo Road with the Holy Spirit  'shape-shifted' into a Dog .   I am attending to garden matters when I hear, "Hey DeSilva, wanna get HY ?"  I look up and see a Man and his Dog at the gate, smiling and the Dog wagging His tail in excited expectation .   I yell out, "FUCK YEAH !!!" and run to the gate to open it for Him and the Holy Spirit . 

                    A few feet inside and Jesus blesses, "Ya done good here."   

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