Thursday, March 7, 2024

"Humble, like the dust..."

                              My body eats Heat .   I'm figurin' THAT'S why I'd gotten SOOO fucking Cold .  2 words :   STARVATION .

            OBVIOUSLY   I  am  not  referring  to  the   Starvation   being Experienced by Gazans and West Bankers ---  no and FUCK-NO .    Being Starved for Heat is self-imposed, what I did and didn't do I did and didn't do TO myself for strictly oblique reasons .   Elsewhere I have proffered the term 'Perpetual Penitence' to describe an abject state of Humility [believe it or don't] .   There is defiled Romance in the expression, "The Sage walks with his head lowered, Humble, like the dust".   I mean, the Statement is Truthful but is devoid of Honesty .   

             Someway, somehow,, Starvation, Truth,, and  Honesty  are intimately bound .

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