Saturday, March 9, 2024

In for dollar ,, out with a crime

                              America is considering building  a pier somewhere off the coast of Gaza .   Some of you recall my blog, "The Boat People of Gaza" .   That blog was written months ago .   

          The Plan has the Army Corps of Engineers constructing the Pier and they can do so within three months, or so I have heard .   Will GI Joe "make it happen" ?

           Remember the troop transports and the Landing Craft used in WWII ?   In a MOMENTS notice the Navy could send 'those very' to that Area and provide near-dead Gazans with AMERICAN Relief .  Instead, and once again, Americans chose the "Hands-Off" Method, that of Parachute Deployment, which certainly invites "Every-man-for-himself" Recovery .   Would I beat my neighbor to near Death so I can feed my family ?   Fuck Yeah .

           You can see it rite ?

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