Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Concrete Blockhead

                              I'm mentally ill .   Now you'd think that THAT is a TREMENDOUS Excuse for being a "Fuck-uP" and "Loser" ,, but nope ---not even close .   Ain't no one STRIVES to be a Fuck-uP and Loser but nor does it "just happen"---  ya gotta work at it .   

            It's like a 'compound fracture' the bone is broken AND it protrudes from the skin ,  good stuff ... .  When you combine Fucked-uP with Geriatric Imbecility and then mix-in Physical Debilitation-as-Governing Principle, the result is a guy who sits and stares at his screen and wonders "Where the fuck is that FIRST SENTENCE ?"   

            I awoke with a Song by Grand Funk Railroad "running" in my head .  How'd THAT get there ?

            The borders of the Garden have all but rotted into Evaporation .   I KNEW this would happen, I did NOT treat the lumber with any Preservative so, you get what you DON'T pay for .   I DON'T want to buy the 2 x 10's that would GUARANTEE  acceptable results, instead, I'm inclined to use planting troughs as retainers ---weak at best, at worst just stupit .................... .

           I tried the Logical :  concrete blocks-- but they are SOOOO heavy and I am SOOOOO Weak --- plus, they don't look so good, they have too much visible WEIGHT ---  >> hideous <<  gets us there .

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