Sunday, March 10, 2024

"... meritorious persiflage..."

                              D.H. Lawrence uses "meritorious persiflage" in his   Lady Chatterley's Lover,   a something that almost DEMANDS a swift boot in the ass .   I was fucking PISSED that I did NOT know EITHER of these two words, I mean FUCK, I was in my SENIOR year expecting a DEGREE in English Lit, yet there I was needing a DICTIONARY like some dunce or unschooled cur .   

            As far as I go, I always try to speak the English real good, but see what happens ?   I WANT     folks to think well of me --- I WANT them to say, "He done speak him the English real good ."  I mean shit, who DOESN'T want THAT ?   I've termed it  >>.Redneck Intellectualism<<< .  I even have a gag for it based on "What's-his-name" the Redneck Comedian who cited "You know you're a Redneck when"... .  Here it is :  You know you're a Redneck Intellectual when you can use "meritorious persiflage" in a sentence .   



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