Thursday, March 28, 2024

"You feel me ?"

                             Yesterday, during the twi-nite*, I was watching the News with what I now refer to as 'chronic helplessness' {import of Hell in hell-pless} .   I had the FEELING that at least HALF of all  Americans are fucking NUTS, flat-out fucking [bat shit] CRAZY,, because of their 'Belief System', which we all recognize [now] as "The Big Lie" which SHOULD-BE identified as `The Myth of the Stolen Election` .  

            I've been in a few Math classes and never found a ONE who is FANATIC about "Finite Math", Algebra, Geometry and the like .  The Sciences do NOT generate a Pathology of Passion --- shit --- how can it ?  BUT ---  get into Politics and THAT'S a different ball game .  Colleges and Universities offer "Political SCIENCE" but in THIS "Day and Age" Political Science is an oxymoron --- just look at the American Congress .   

            Clearly HALF of America does NOT "care" about Truth {or the Belief in Truth} .  Half of America DOES ((believe)) in their Feelings .  Here, Feelings ARE the Truth .  Emotion IS Science .   It's backasswards* but that's how "IT" is .  This "IT" now enforces "You FEEL me ?"  where "Feel"  means Understand    but THIS "understanding" is   Gut and Heart   Based and is in  NO Way Cerebral .  

            2 words ::   WOW !


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