Thursday, March 21, 2024

Jack Floorst

                         I got it out .   Four hours to get it up a foot or so and a foot or so in advancement .   It was a monstor* .    I rowed an hour and the choke slipped off,  another hour and it slipped off again .    I hadn't wanted to use the cloth straps because there is ALWAYS the risk of tear and wear --- thing is --- they grab and I mean GRAB  .   

            So ---  the monstor was like an iceberg ~~  sorta .   It had a protuberance that "dug-in" like the keel-fin of a sail boat .  {What's the REAL name of that keel-fin???}   Applying pressure from the Puller lifted the rear of the stone because of the 'fin' .   "Uhhhh   Houston ??"

            I positioned the floor jack just to see what I cood* see .   I couple of pumps and I secured advancement, prahblee* a quarter to half an inch .....  only 20 more repositionings* and...... .


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