Thursday, March 7, 2024

"No brag, just fact."

                              Starvation, Truth, Honest and their 'nuances' aren't the only Consideration :  recently I've 'run-up-against' the difference between > Being Smart and Being Intelligent .   I DON'T-KNOW how I got to There --- I DO know that Smart Folks can be `lacking`  Intelligence .   

            The term I used to leverage Intelligence from Smart is "Discernment".   The Ancient Chinese used "Discernment" as a Tool to pry Secrets from the Universal ConsciousNess* .    I argue that there is a Mystical Quality to these Secrets --- that one's Mind MUST-BE Receptive to the Infinite, [elsewhere noted as, 'Being tuned to the Infinite'] ,, where 'Infinite' manifests not only as , "What is the One is the One", but also as "What is NOT the One is ALSO the One" .   We must look HARD at "What is Not the One is ALSO the One" because the Secrets are miraculously Hidden in THAT There.

           How do I know this ?  EZ-  I've been to that There, so I KNOW It exists .

           "You can believe me, I'm always RIGHT and I NEVER Lie" .

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