Sunday, March 10, 2024

"... erudite scholarship ..."

                              Redneck Royalty AND Redneck Intelligensia openly MOCK "erudite scholarship" .   In a BRILLIANT episode of "South Park" "Kenny", the mealy-mouthed mumbler, is depicted as a fucking ERUDITE SCHOLAR ---  a so-called "Man Of Letters" .   I was fucking DYING .  

            In dystopic truth, Kenny and his family are "nothing more than" >>> White Trash<<<  Redneck Hillbillies --- Gutter/Scum-of-the-Earth  whose lack of surety is self-evidence of Providencial DYS-Approval ---- I mean,  SUPPOSEDLY . 

            I confess :  even though I SHOULDN'T I admire Cartman because of {and you can see this a mile away}  "You MUST Respect my AuthoriTAY".  Yep, it's true---also Cartman HATES Hippies ---been there on THAT !

            Thing is --- there's always Steve Miller's "Sit around the house, get HY, and watch the Tube"  I mean SHIT, what's NOT to Love about THAT ?????????

             But I digress ... .


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