Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Old in Cold

                             I was Cold and I couldn't get Warm .   "It"   [the Cold]   had penetrated to my inmost Reaches~~~ establishing a Frozen Tabernacle within my very Soul  which resulted in a Paralysis of Pen and with THAT a chronic Heartsickness that itself generated an overabundance of both Fear and Dread .  {When you get "fucked-up: get TOTALLY Fuck-ed uP ... } .

            The south-east lattice screen had been jury-rigged using C-clamps and off-size 2 x 4's .  Untreated 2 x 4's can NOT withstand the ravages of New England coastal clime :   "wobbly" gets us to 'there' .  In fact, the entire 'assemblage' had reached calamitous propensity , despite "half-assed" "fixes" everywhere .   Plus, I had lost interest in the Screen because I just COOD-NOT* "figure-out" the BEST solution to the various problems 'calamitous propensity' manifests .  I told you kids--  I'm lazy and imbecilic .

            But I digress ... .



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