Thursday, March 28, 2024

...that's some 4 year old .

                              Some time ago I wrote that America was the Titanic and trump was captain .   2 words : I was WAAAAY the fuck off .   America remains the Titanic but trump is the iceberg NOT the captain .   America is goin' down and it ain't never comin' back, at least in this lifetime,, and probably for the next several .    

            I've come to understand Democracy as a "Belief System" and have taken great pains to introduce my thoughts [as] to the Nature of  Truth ---  when Truth is jettisoned for   Paganistic* Theology ,  the worship of the Almighty Dollar via the Ways and Means of {non-democratic} Capitalism, becomes a Religion wherein Truth is NOT the foundation of Governmental [and Societal} Infrastructure  .    The utter and complete discharge of Truth carries with it 'Belief' in general, where Belief is primarily a composite of Faith and Hope .   Here it is where both Facts and Evidence do NOT play ANY role in Paganistic Capitalism, but FEELINGS {as Emotions} DO .

            One SUPER-SMART identified Trumpism as a 'realm' of Feelings--that trump is able to elicit EXTRA-ORDINARY >>> Feelings<<< from his followers ;   whereas democrats are UNABLE  to generate much Emotion save the stubborn-Ness* of  default HISTORICAL Rapture, the Great -->  "We were once Awesome" .  

            Here Groucho Marx defines Reality :   "Why a four year old could figure this out ----  go get a four year old because I can't make 'heads or tails' of it ."             

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