Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Porcupine Shuffle

                             I  opened  the  window  and  yelled  to the  Kittens,   "I'm  here  in  the  Heaven  Room" .  I closed the window and stood up, "Where did THAT come from?"   I didn't even know I HAD a "Heaven Room".  I looked around warily, I saw what I always see .  Hmmm I was looking at Heaven .   I'm all fucked-up .

            Just having a "Sense of Humor" is not enough, not anywhere NEAR Enough .   You gotta be able to laugh at yourself and if not laugh then NOT "Take your-self too seriously".    Dancing helps .   I listen to ALOTTA* Music each day .   Music Heals the Soul but it almost ALWAYS stimulates the Body to Exert the Freedom that resides in Joy --- .

            You gyze* ever seen you  a Porcupine Dance ????

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