Saturday, March 30, 2024

"To everything, Turin, Turin, Turin..."

                              We've been taught that the Spirit of Jesus 'left' His Body .   His Body was then positioned in the Tomb .   Holy Saturday is the "Time" before His Resurrection and we were further taught that during this Time Jesus `descended` into Purgatory to awaken the sleeping Patriarchs that they may ascend to Heaven and into the Presence of   God,   The Father .   

            Bio-Mechanical Physics has reported that the "Shroud of Turin" was impacted by some sort of Super-Natural "Plasma" that imprinted the Body Features of the Un-Risen Savior .  Jesus's Life Energy was somehow Returned to >> A << Body that itself had undergone Transformative* Reconfiguration -- so much so that when His "Most Beloved Disciple", Mary Magdaline, did NOT recognize Him,  He had to tell her, "It is I" .   



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